Wissler and Hennig-Wellsow elected: the Left Party has a new leadership duo


Status: 02/27/2021 10:59 am

The new dual leadership of the Left Party is in place: online party congressional delegates elected Janine Wissler and Susanne Hennig-Wellsow. The election must be confirmed by mail ballot. Both promoted social change.

The left has a new party leadership: delegates to the party’s digital congress in Berlin chose Janine Wissler and Susanne Hennig-Wellsow as their new leadership duo. 448 of the 532 delegates voted for the leader of the Hessian parliamentary group, Wissler, corresponding to an approval of 84.2 percent. In the vote for the head of state of Thuringia, Hennig-Wellsow, there were 536 votes. 387 delegates (70.5 percent) voted for them. On the so-called mixed electoral list, in Hennig-Wellsow, there were also two opposing male candidates who received 104 and 15 votes. The choice of the new tip must be confirmed by mail ballot.

“It’s about everything, it’s about the bakery”

In his introductory speech, Wissler criticized the fact that the rich had gotten even richer in the Corona crisis. He advocated for a society that “fundamentally changes.” “It’s not just about a bigger slice of the cake. It’s about the whole thing, it’s about the bakery.” The left is not perfect and often very tiring, arguing about the right path. They all joined the left because they were outraged by poverty, they did not want to accept injustice, they despised war and they knew that fascism should not be victorious again and “because we know that capitalism should not be the end of history.” The party congress should send a signal to leave.

Hennig-Wellsow also campaigned for social change in her speech. Then he joined the PDS to change something for the better. Today more than ever it needs the Party of the Left to protect those who suffer the most from the corona pandemic. The goal should be to oust the CDU and CSU from the government.

Riexinger and Kipping withdrawal

After almost nine years in office, the presiding duo of Bernd Riexinger and Katja Kipping did not run again. On Friday, in his farewell speech, Riexinger called for the fight for social justice, which is more necessary than ever in the Corona crisis. Kipping called on his party to open up to possible government involvement. This is controversial on the left because the party would be forced to engage in key policy areas in a coalition in the federal government, such as foreign and security policy. The left is, for example, against the foreign missions of the Bundeswehr and for the abolition of the secret services.

“We are not exhausting our potential”

According to current polls, an alliance of the left with the SPD and the Greens would not be enough. The left itself is at a weak seven or eight percent. “We are far from exhausting our potential,” admitted Wissler at the daily topics in. The left must be more anchored in the districts and in the companies, and be clearly more visible.

Left Party Elects New Dual Leadership

Moritz Rödle, ARD Berlin, Tagesschau 11:35 am, February 27, 2021

Especially in the Crown crisis, social inequalities worsened. Few people get richer, but many poorer. The health system does not have sufficient funds. Nursing staff were earning too little and were overworked. Here the left must stick its fingers into the wound, Wissler emphasized.

Delegates also approved the main motion of the party’s executive committee. His motto is “How to get out of the crisis in a fair way, with a change in the social, peaceful and ecological system”. The left demands that the super-rich share more the costs of the crisis and that more social justice be guaranteed.
