Wisconsin police officer: acquitted after shooting black people


The policeman was acquitted after the shooting against the black Jacob Blake in the US state of Wisconsin. Blake has been a paraplegic since the incident. The shooting had sparked anti-racism protests across the country.

Prosecutors cleared a white police officer of all charges following the shooting of black man Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Kenosha Chief District Attorney Michael Graveley dropped all charges against Police Officer Rusten Sheskey. The shootings at Blake on August 23 sparked protests across the country against racism and police violence, some of which sparked serious unrest. Blake has been a paraplegic ever since.

Fearing further protests on Tuesday, the Kenosha city government had declared a state of emergency in the city prior to the prosecutor’s decision and mobilized the national guard.

Graveley questions Blake’s credibility

Graveley said that under current law, particularly the police officer’s right to self-defense, a conviction in court would have been highly unlikely. Police officer S. feared during the operation that Blake would attack him with a knife and therefore shoot him.

Police officers were called to the scene of the dispute and also knew that there was an arrest warrant for Blake. Blake confessed that he had a knife with him, Graveley said. The prosecutor also said that Blake had been entangled in lies at least twice in the post-incident investigation. He would not have been a credible witness in a possible trial, Graveley said.

UN: The shootings were “excessive violence”

President-elect Joe Biden had met with Blake’s family and telephoned the seriously injured man. The father of the family had been shot seven times in the back.

Outgoing President Donald Trump sided with the police and described the protests as internal terror. The United Nations described the police shooting at the African American as “excessive violence.” Judging from the video recordings, it is highly likely that the procedure was also discriminatory, said the UN human rights office in Geneva.
