Winfried Kretschmann: girl died after an accident with the prime minister’s escort vehicle


The one-year-old boy who was injured by the Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) in connection with an accident in the company car, has died. The boy died from his serious injuries on Sunday, the Heilbronn police headquarters said.

The prime minister reacted in dismay: “We knew about the critical situation the girl was in.” With each day that she was alive, the hope grew a little that the boy would make it. “I am full of sadness,” Kretschmann said. His thoughts are with the parents, who have now experienced the worst that can happen to a mother and father: the death of their own child.

The accident also worries the judiciary. The Heilbronn prosecution has launched investigations into the baby’s life-threatening injuries. A spokesman for authorities said Friday that there is suspicion of negligent bodily harm against a 33-year-old man said to have caused the accident.

Aquaplaning cause

Kretschmann’s limousine, the first vehicle in a column, veered off the lane on Monday, presumably due to hydroplaning on Autobahn 81. According to police, the vehicle first struck a railing and then came to a stop on the shoulder. Then an escort vehicle and a police car stopped behind Kretschmann.

Another vehicle skidded a little later due to hydroplaning and crashed into the accompanying vehicle. The one-year-old was sitting in the back seat of the vehicle. The 33-year-old driver of this car was also seriously injured. The 29-year-old passenger was slightly injured.
