Windows 10: May 2020 update speeds up systems with HDD


The upcoming May 2020 update for Windows 10 brings with it search index tweaks that ease data carriers and can therefore speed up the system. How Windows latest reports, a HDD system should be noticeably faster. With SSDs that are already fast, no big differences are expected.

Unless there are delays due to the crown crisis in the coming days, the May 2020 update (version 2004) for Windows 10 will be released next month. Windows Insider participants have been testing it for a week.

Update against high HDD load through search index

This has the website Windows latest made according to their own statements and verified new features for Windows 10 search index on different systems, which should avoid high usage of data carriers. According to Microsoft, the tailored search function should detect phases with high data support activity with the next update, and then reduce the use of file indexing so as not to burden the data support any further.

How Windows latest Describes, this is particularly noticeable when using a conventional hard drive (HDD), as it takes much longer to access files than an SSD, and therefore has to deal with a higher workload more frequently. Windows 10 May 2020 update feels “actually faster when your hardware is equipped with an HDD“Explain the testers. With fast SSDs, which are barely reaching their performance limits in everyday life anyway, users are unlikely to notice significant improvements with the upgrade.

Basically, with the update, there is the possibility to speed up the system regardless of the type of data medium, since the indexing is limited or even stops completely during the transfer or deletion of files.

New algorithm for planned Windows search

For a later patch (update 20H2), Microsoft is also planning a new algorithm for the search function, which recognizes when file indexing needs to be done so Windows 10 won’t do any indexing work while the device is in use actively. As a result, indexing should only run in the background if there is no activity.
