Windows 10: download folder automatically empty: how it works


Delete downloads at regular intervals

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Highlighted automatically empty Windows 10 download folder - here's how

Do you download a lot from the Internet and want to automatically empty your download folder? With memory optimization, Windows 10 offers a practical tool for precisely this purpose. We show you how you can use it to remove old downloads automatically at regular intervals.

If you download a lot from the Internet, a lot of gigabytes of data garbage accumulates quickly in your download directory. To save you from regular cleanings, you can also have the download folder automatically emptied in Windows 10. This is possible with the memory optimization introduced in the Windows 10 October 2018 update. Depending on the configuration, this tool removes unnecessary files. from your hard drive when there is a shortage of storage space or at fixed intervals.

In addition to the temporary files and data synchronized by Onedrive with your PC, the download folder can also be emptied automatically. The following steps show where you can find memory optimization and how you can configure it.

In more instructions, we will show you how to find large files in Windows 10 and thus identify memory waste. You can also free up a lot of space by deleting the Windows.old folder.

You still have to know that!


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Keywords for the article

Instructions, download, notebook and Windows 10

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Network world
