Why is there so little vaccination in the big Berlin vaccination center? – BZ Berlin


Just open and closed again! The vaccination center at Arena (Treptow) closes for four days starting on New Year’s Eve, the health administration confirmed a report from BZ on Tuesday.

The official reason: “In view of the number of appointments booked by nurses, it is not necessary to operate during the holidays.”

No wonder: preparations to invite the Senate of Health have gotten off to a false start.

Nursing home staff sent very few employees who wanted to be injected. Really predictable with the staff shortage around Christmas. But incredible in view of the blockade that the entire city has to endure, and which is leading many of those affected to financial ruin.

Doctors, nurses, nurses and nurses in homes await their corona vaccination (Photo: dpa)
When vaccination began on Sunday, the queue was still long, but not after (Photo: dpa)

Monday only five people were booked per hour. To avoid embarrassment, Secretary of State Martin Matz (SPD) organized a crisis meeting. The result: more people who were vaccinated from aid organizations (Red Cross, Malta, etc.) were arrested. At the end of the day (9 am to 7 pm) there were 288 people vaccinated, even that was only a fraction of the possible capacity.

Tuesday In the morning only 359 people interested in vaccines were registered. Since the capacity would have been enough for 900 people who were vaccinated from homes, aid organizations were quickly called in, the result in the end: 650 swords!

Employees of the German Red Cross (DRK), German Armed Forces and helpers wait at the Arena Treptow vaccination center for the coronavirus vaccination to begin (Photo: dpa)
Employees of the German Red Cross (DRK), German Armed Forces and helpers wait at the Arena Treptow vaccination center for the coronavirus vaccination to begin (Photo: dpa)

Interior Senator Andreas Geisel (54, SPD) supports that police and firefighters get vaccinated if there is free capacity. “A valuable vaccine should never go unused,” Geisel told the BZ.

Read about this too

► 1,287 new people infected by the crown in Berlin: 41 new deaths

► In these five steps, Berliners receive the corona vaccine

Clearly: Vaccine residues are not discarded. The required quantities are ordered the night before at the secret center, where the material is thawed to minus 70 degrees and delivered.

So far, the work of mobile vaccination teams, which travel to nursing homes in 60 minibuses, has worked well: they managed 3,322 residents in the first two days.

During the four days of closure of the Treptower vaccination room, a bottleneck will be removed through a conversion: the room in which eight pharmacists mix the vaccine with physiological saline and draw it into syringes must be expanded so that more than 1,600 syringes / day.

This work area for the preparation of syringes must be expanded because very little vaccine can be prepared here (Photo: dpa)
This work area for the preparation of syringes must be expanded because very little vaccine can be prepared here (Photo: dpa)

Health Senator Dilek Kalayci (53, SPD) had announced up to 5000 vaccinations / day for the arena – utopian from today’s perspective!

There were also difficulties with the invitation letters to the more than 18,000 over 90, who will supposedly have their turn after the nurses in the arena – the letterhead, including the information sheet and anamnesis, had to be approved by! the federal government!

After all, a success for the leader of the FDP parliamentary group, Sebastián Czaja (37): the Senate is examining his demand for taxi vouchers for the elderly. FDP politician: “We should not expose particularly endangered risk groups to increased risk of infection in crowded buses and trains on the way to the vaccination center.”

According to information from BZ, the second of a total of six vaccination centers planned in the capital will not open until January 17 at the fairgrounds.

On Tuesday, Charité and Vivantes began vaccinating employees who care for patients with Covid-19. There are almost 1000 cans available.
