Why China Fears Political Isolation


meIn Wuhan, the propaganda machine is already running at full speed, and Angela Merkel is supposed to help repair China’s battered reputation in the world: With the push of a button, the German Chancellor is beaming from the secretary’s screen of the match in the huge reception room of Wuhan Tongji Hospital. let us build. When Merkel was in China a year ago, the cadre shouted to the press that she certified the clinic with “excellence” precisely at this point, four months before the coronavirus broke out in Wuhan. Any questions?

Hendrik Ankenbrand

China won the war against the virus, cheered the picture. At the forefront of this was her hospital. 3,539 virus patients have been admitted since January, the most difficult cases in the city. 3209 were allowed to walk again until the end of April, healthy. The remaining 330 people died or are still receiving treatment. The medical equipment, praised by the doctors at Tongji Hospital, is superior even to the clinics in Germany. More important, however, was the charity of China’s leaders, whose motto the party secretary had engraved on the wall: “People’s lives are our priority.”

That’s. The fact that it is actually a matter of course for a society to care for the sick does not matter at this point. The fact that Wuhan authorities tried to cover up the virus outbreak in January is a long way off. Has the loss of time spread the disease around the world? That has no place in contemporary China, which is celebrating its victory over the virus. This is now calculated.

Angela Merkel at Tongji Hospital in Wuhan: Her visit is still announced today.

Angela Merkel at Tongji Hospital in Wuhan: Her visit is still announced today.

Image: EPA

4600 people officially died from Corona in the People’s Republic. In Germany there are still twice as many, in the United States more than 190,000 people. “The world can learn from China,” shouts the party secretary. “The virus is controllable, curable and preventable.”
