Who pushes now, who still stands: hard blockade after Christmas is increasingly likely – politics


Due to the persistently high number of corona infections, there is a growing demand to restrict public life much more than before. It is unclear whether the federal government and the prime minister will meet again before Christmas. Announced Tuesday morning Prime Minister of Brandenburg Dietmar Woidke (SPD) in the RBB, however, a change this Thursday. Not all country leaders had previously deemed this necessary, including Mayor of Government of Berlin Michael Müller (SPD). So far, a new prime minister conference is scheduled for January 4.

Politicians are concerned that after five weeks of the partial lockdown there are no signs of a drop in the number of new infections. Germany is far from the goal of reducing the number to less than 50 per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. No federal state is currently below the mark. In the Lower Bavaria district of Regen, which had an incidence value of almost 570 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days on Monday, students of all grades will receive distance classes starting Wednesday.

These are the central demands of the experts:

  • Members of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina called on Tuesday that Use holidays and the change of year for a strict block. “From December 24, 2020 until at least January 10, 2021, public life should be practically inactive throughout Germany and a strict lockdown should be applied,” the recommendations say. To do this, all businesses, except those for daily necessities, should be closed and the Christmas holidays should be extended in educational institutions.
  • Demands for tougher measures also come from the medical profession. The President of the World Medical Association, Frank Ulrich Montgomerysaid the “Rheinische Post”: “We need everywhere in Germany where the number of infections is high, strict exit restrictions until Christmaswhere people can only leave home for a valid reason ”. One must descend from the altiplano of extremely high infection rates, otherwise intensive care units could collapse shortly after the turn of the year.
  • the Karl Lauterbach, SPD health expert clearly rejects relaxation on New Years EveWith the high death toll, there is not much to celebrate. “It cannot be that while thousands are fighting for their lives in intensive care units, we are celebrating the New Year with more infections,” he said. Lauterbach. It looks different with Christmas. “Celebrating Christmas is a compromise between what is medically useful and what we humanly owe to each other,” Lauterbach said. “We have to do it for the moment after Christmas a harder close impose.”

This is how the lines of conflict unfold within politics:

  • Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) emphasized in a video session of the Union faction on Monday, according to the participants, that the measures taken so far do not come down to stagnating the number of infections, which is too high. That means one will become winter don’t survive without additional measures can. What to do and where to decide before Christmas. too Store closings after Christmas are in discussion.
  • Federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn (CDU) holds tighter contact restrictions necessary if the high number of infections is not to decrease in the near future. “The short and broad approach to really making a difference is probably the most successful. If we don’t get there with the development of the next week or two until Christmas, then we have to discuss it, ”Spahn told Phoenix television station. The minister did not rule out that it was not another lockdown on retail could give. “We have to make that dependent on the next few days if we can cut the numbers,” Spahn said.
  • Ruler of berlin Mayor Michael Müller (SPD) is open to further restrictions on trade and schools after Christmas. “There is also no reason to buy a sweater on December 28, you can do it beforehand,” he said on ARD’s “Morgenmagazin”.
  • Brandenburg Prime Minister Woidke however, he expressed reluctance to reports that Merkel was in favor of a tough blockade after Christmas. “We should talk to each other first and then evaluate it. One closed retail trade it would have many consequences. It bothers me that another fair opens with many suggestions.before talking about it, ”Woidke said. He expects the federal and state governments to jointly discuss stricter measures on Thursday. He wanted to exchange ideas with other leaders of SPD countries on Tuesday night.
  • the Governments of Bavaria, Saarland and Baden-Württemberg like Merkel, she urges prime ministers to have an additional meeting quickly.
  • The heads of government of Berlin, Bremen, Lower Saxony and Thuringia he expressed doubts as to whether this is necessary. Thuringian Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (left) told the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”: “We have established regulations at the Prime Minister’s Conference until January 10, 2021.” Everybody knows what to do.

The federal and state governments agreed to allow ten more children to attend family reunions from December 23 to January 1 at the latest. Otherwise, a maximum of five people from two households can be together. Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg have already limited easing to December 23, 26 and 27, respectively.. In Berlin, a maximum of five people is allowed during the entire holiday.

The newspaper “Bild” reported that it should tough measures after the holidays until the beginning of the year give. There is talk of leaving supermarkets open only between December 27 and January 3 or 10. According to information from dpa, there are still no concrete measures that have been discussed in depth.

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Several state cabinets, including those in Erfurt and Dresden, will meet on Tuesday. by Saxony The newspaper “Bild” reported on Monday night, citing government circles that it was discussing closing stores starting next Monday (December 14). As in spring, only essential stores should remain open. It is not yet clear what exactly these are besides grocery stores.

The Bavarian cabinet had already adopted stricter measures on Sunday. CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt Said the “image”: “Bavaria has already made important decisions here that the other federal states must follow.”

The general manager of the German Association of Cities and Towns, Gerd Landsberg, advocated for stricter wreath rules for after Christmas. He called the desired relaxation on New Year’s Eve at the “Passauer Neue Presse” “illusory”. FDP Vice President Wolfgang Kubicki however, he doubts the effectiveness of a two-week blockade. At the same time, he warned in the “Passauer Neue Presse” that a confinement of three or four weeks “would further shake the confidence of the population.” (with dpa, AFP)
