White House suspends vice spokesperson after dispute with journalist


DThe White House suspended a vice spokesperson for a week after allegedly threatening a journalist in an argument. His behavior was “completely unacceptable” and he knows it, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Friday.

The punishment followed an article in Vanity Fair magazine. He said vice-spokesman TJ Ducklo had threatened a reporter for the “Politico” website to “destroy” her and destroy her reputation. The reporter had asked questions about Ducklo’s relationship with a reporter on the Axios website.

The suspension raised doubts in Washington. After former President Donald Trump frequently insulted the media as “enemies of the people,” the White House promised his successor Joe Biden a professional outreach to the press.

Psaki was also reminded of Biden’s announcement at his press conference that he would fire anyone who was disrespectful to colleagues on the spot. “We found out it was a serious penalty,” he said of the free suspension. He made the decision in consultation with Biden’s chief of staff, Ron Klain, and did not speak to the president about it, Psaki said.
