White House plans to dissolve virus task force


According to Vice President Mike Pence, the United States government is investigating the dissolution of the high-ranking coronavirus task force at the White House. This could happen in late May or early June and is a sign of “tremendous progress” in the fight against the new coronavirus, Pence said Tuesday.

If the group he led dissolved, the authorities involved, including civil protection, would take the lead, Pence said. One of the purposes of the Corona Working Group was to mobilize the necessary government agencies and coordinate their actions.

In particular, Anthony Fauci, the long-time head of the US investigative agency NIAID, and Dr. Deborah Birx have achieved some prominence in the United States. In addition to informing the population, an important part of his job was to correct President Donald Trump’s half and falsehoods with sensitivity.

On a visit to the southwestern state of Arizona, Trump now said the task force should be replaced by a new team focused on reopening the economy safely. “We cannot keep our country closed for five years,” said Trump. Americans are “fighters,” Trump said. It is not a perfect situation and “some people” would be seriously affected by the virus.

New projections make worries grow again

Despite the claimed success of Pence and Trump in fighting the pathogen, the coronavirus pandemic in the United States does not appear to be under control for long. So far, according to Johns Hopkins University researchers, about 1.2 million infections have been detected in the US. USA, and around 70,000 people have died. According to a model that has already been used multiple times by the government, the death toll could rise to around 134,000 in mid-summer.

The reason is that more and more states are loosening the crown restrictions they have imposed, in part, although there are still a lot of new infections. This is in line with President Trump’s desire to push to reopen the country to limit the devastating economic consequences of the pandemic. He is applying for a second term in November and needs a thriving economy to keep his chances of winning high.

Icon: The Mirror
