When schools and nurseries reopen


Düsseldorf: Two children look at painted pictures in front of a primary school in the Knittkuhl district.
Image: dpa

Basically, the federal and state governments agree on the order in which they want to pave the way back to the daily life of children and young people. But there are some differences in the details. A general vision

WWe have reached a level of uniformity that is almost a miracle in a federal system, “Chancellor Angela Merkel said Wednesday after federal and state governments agreed to ease restrictions in the wake of the crown pandemic. Regardless of youth, There are big differences Millions of parents wonder when they can send their children to school, daycare, or kindergarten.

Federal states want to address the issue at different speeds. Initially, it was decided that school operations would gradually resume from May 4, initially as a priority for the final classes and “grade-relevant classes” and for the last class of the elementary school. However, individual countries may deviate from the date, which is also due to different vacation times. Exams and preparations for the final classes of the current school year should be possible again.

The Conference of Ministers of Education will present a concept before April 29 that shows how the lessons can start again as a whole. These are hygiene and protective measures, such as a distance requirement or smaller learning groups. A shift system is also being discussed in which classes are divided into two groups and held weekly.

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The nurseries remain closed for the moment. Emergency care will be continued and expanded to other professionals and groups of need. In addition to taking the exams, practical events should also be allowed to take place at universities, but only to a limited extent if special laboratories and work rooms are required. The reopening of libraries and archives is allowed under strict hygiene and authorization requirements.
