WhatsApp and Corona crisis: popular feature is expanding


WhatsApp introduced a series of innovations during the Corona crisis. After the fight against fake news comes the expansion of a popular show.

  • News WhatsApp *-Update allows calls to eight people at the same time
  • The use of Calls about WhatsApp has been since CrownThe crisis has increased sharply
  • Users with less powerful devices should also be able to use the new feature

Since the beginning of CrownThe crisis changed the FacebookDaughter WhatsApp Already multiple functions in your Delivery courier. For him CrownPandemic was among others in India Video-Status function limited to 15 seconds. But not only did it respond to the increased occupation WhatsApp.

WhatsApp in the Corona crisis: new update allows calls with more people

WhatsApp Messenger * also took the fight against the growing avalanche of fake news to a new level. WhatsApp works with health organizations * to spread secure information.

Made possible with its last update on Tuesday (April 28, 2020) WhatsApp Now a greater number of participants in group calls. And that with voice and V
Video calls. This is supposed to facilitate lectures in times of rampant coronavirus.

WhatsApp in the Corona crisis: Messenger meets the demands

On Tuesday WhatsApp announced the entry into force of the advanced group calling feature. The Delivery courier He stated that many users had asked to be able to call more people at the same time.

Previously Group calls only with four Possible people. Now the number was up eight Participants doubled.

Through the Crown crisis has the use of WhatsApp-The calls, according to WhatsApp, increased significantly. According to this, people dedicated a total of 250 million hours a day to WhatsApp calls. That is much more than before the pandemic.

WhatsApp in the crown crisis: also suitable for weak devices

WhatsApp stressed that both video calls also Voice calls about him Delivery courier They are end-to-end encrypted. Therefore, they must meet the same security standards as written messages.

According to Delivery courier Group calls are also possible on lower performing devices. According to Messenger, users with a poor network connection should also be able to use the feature. The function was specially adapted for this.

WhatsApp in the Corona crisis: how to use the new function

Especially during Crown crisis It is important that many people can hold conferences online. About twice as many people as before Group call To get started, a prerequisite must be met: all users who want to participate in the call must have the most current version. WhatsApp version installed

If the new feature is not yet available, users can download the latest update from the corresponding app store. This is for both of us Android for also Okay it already exists

WhatsApp in the Corona crisis: how group calls are initiated

About him WhatsApp Messenger To start a group call, you must first create a group with all participants. To avoid problems, it is recommended to start the Group call clarify the WhatsApp versions of the participants.

This can easily be done in a group. So the next Crown-conditional video or voice-Conference nothing else on the way. To get started, all you have to do is click the call or video call button.

WhatsApp in the Corona crisis: Messenger declares war on fake news

In Corona times, a chain letter on WhatsApp now causes riots – there are always WhatsApp circulars that often contain false news about Corona’s current pandemic. The last of these chain letters worries parents in particular.

During the crown pandemic, many video calling applications are experiencing a real exaggeration. Now Facebook and WhatsApp * are attacking.

* hna.de is part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.

List of rubric lists: © Zacharie Scheurer / dpa
