What plans do Trump and Biden have with the United States?


Trump Roars Against Corona and the Media; Biden often says the exact opposite. But what exactly do the two opponents of the US presidency represent? An overview.

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The promises made by Donald Trump and Joe Biden before the November 3 election can actually be boiled down to a simple formula: The president promises even more of Trump’s previous policy, and his challenger generally does the opposite. A look at positions on key policy issues:

The corona pandemic

The positions of the candidates could hardly be more different on the dominant issue for the election campaign and the United States as a whole. Donald Trump keeps saying in his daily campaign speeches that they will soon be on the hill. It depends on the rapid spread of vaccines and drugs like Remdesivir and the Regeneron antibody cocktail, with which he himself was treated as a Covid 19 patient.

Experts warn that such a course could lead to high mortality rates: vaccines should only be available in sufficient quantities for everyone in spring, agent Regeneron is still experimental. Meanwhile, Biden wants to impose the widest possible use of masks by then. Although he can hardly prescribe it legally across the country, he hopes to convince the governors. Biden is also planning more tests and an expansion of mask production in the US.

It’s the economy, stupid!

Trump claims to have created “the largest economy in history,” even through lower taxes. “We made America rich again,” he says, citing a surge in share prices while many Americans still have two or three jobs to make ends meet. Trump promises more tax breaks for a second term in office.

Biden, on the other hand, promises to ask particularly high-income citizens and businesses to pay. “Anyone who earns less than $ 400,000 (about 342,000 euros) a year does not pay a penny more,” promises Biden. The corporate tax, which was lowered by Trump, will be increased from 21 to 28 percent.

The question of health insurance for all

Republicans have been fighting for years to overturn President Barack Obama’s health care reform that brought health insurance to about 20 million Americans, but in some cases it also increased payments. Trump continually promises his own health plan that will be better and cheaper than “terrible Obamacare,” but he has yet to introduce it.

Now it should happen if the Supreme Court overturns Obama’s reform in the next year. Meanwhile, Biden has announced plans to expand Obamacare, especially for low-wage people.

Is there any structural racism in the United States?

Biden, who is popular with African Americans, says very clearly that there is racism in the United States that is anchored in institutions. He wanted to counter this with police reform and better economic conditions for blacks.

Trump, on the other hand, denies systematic racism in the United States and condemns the “Black Lives Matter” protest movement as a “socialist and Marxist organization.” At the same time, his government eliminated training courses against ethnic prejudices as “radical indoctrination”. Trump wants to promote “patriotic education” to “teach children to love our country.”

Exiting the climate deal and Biden’s reversal

On a White House list of more than 50 accomplishments, Trump believes he has walked away from the Paris climate accord “destroying jobs.” In the event of an election victory, Biden has announced that he will bring the United States back into the deal. In the candidates’ second televised duel, the Democrat also said he wanted to lift the country out of long-term dependence on fossil fuels and instead rely more on renewable energy, words that give him votes in states with strong oil and gas industry. it could cost.

Trump announces on his target list that oil production has reached an all-time high. His government extended the stoppage of offshore drilling around Florida, but at the same time allowed production in a nature reserve in Alaska. Trump says America has the cleanest water and the cleanest air. The fact-checkers deny it. On the California wildfires, Trump said he believes the climate will cool down again, “science doesn’t know everything.” Trump had to endure the accusation that he did not know the difference between weather and climate.

Isolationism or multilateralism?

Trump canceled the nuclear agreement with Iran, intensified the confrontation with China, withdrew from UNESCO and the World Health Organization and strained relations with NATO allies. This is the course Trump wants to take, and Biden would reverse it.

Among his foreign policy achievements, Trump counts the annihilation of the terrorist militia “Islamic State” (IS), the far-reaching withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, and that there was no war with North Korea. At the same time, these are all sticking points that President Biden would inherit.

What will become of America’s immigrant status?

Trump began four years ago with a promise to stop illegal immigration at the Mexican border with a border fence. This is still being built. There are still big plans for a second term: Trump wants to end his predecessor Barack Obama’s DACA program to legalize migrants who came to the United States as children and expel millions of immigrants from the country. It has also been unsuccessful in its crackdown on cities that refuse to search for migrants who have entered the country illegally; this is still on the agenda.

Biden’s plan, on the other hand, is to open the path to citizenship for more people living in the United States without papers.
