What measures are already safe? What is still being discussed?


Now everything can go very fast: Chancellor Merkel and the prime ministers of the federal states are discussing a total closure in Germany at a crisis summit. But what will it look like? Some things are already clear.

The light of the lockdown has had its day: After the number of corona cases in Germany has not noticeably decreased since November despite massive restrictions, politicians want to readjust. On Sunday, Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime ministers will discuss new measures by conference call. After difficult summits in the past, this time there seems to be broad agreement that only a complete lockdown can help in the fight against coronavirus. But some points of contention remain. An overview.

Which is almost certain

It is clear that the chancellor and the country’s leaders will tighten the crown measures. With a very high probability, there will be a real blockage.

  • the Retail in Germany would have to close. There should only be exceptions for supermarkets, pharmacies and drugstores. Medical practices must also remain open. Bars, restaurants, cultural and sports venues had to close in November.
  • According to constant media reports, private meetings are supposed to take place two households and a maximum of five people remain limited, excluding children under 14 years of age.
  • Basically everyone agrees that it will be until January 10. no classroom teaching should give. How this is implemented really depends on the regulations of the individual countries.

What is still being discussed

  • The big question is when the lockdown should begin: “Business Insider” magazine calls it December 16 as start date. The heads of the state chancelleries agreed this with the chancery on Saturday night. The news channel “ntv” also mentions this date and is based on information from the state chancellery of a federal state. Other sources report that the Foreign Ministry wants to close sooner. Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder even put Monday into play as a possible date for Saturday. Therefore, the final decision will only be made at the exchange conference.
  • According to “ntv” and “Business Insider”, the lockdown has ended at least January 10 Be valid. In early January, the federal and state governments want to meet again to discuss the success or failure of the measures.
  • It is also questionable if there are more Exceptions for Retail I’ll give. Hardware stores and bike shops, for example, weren’t affected by the spring shutdown. Now these might also have to be closed. What happens to body hugging services, such as hairdressers, is still controversial.
  • One of the most controversial issues still open is apparently how to deal with next: The Chancellery is in favor of the closure, the federal states wanted to keep it open.
  • At Christmas, the wreath measurements should relax. That is most likely off the table now. It is not clear how that new vacation rules I will see. According to “Business Insider” it is still possible that the upper limit will be increased to a maximum of ten people from December 24 to 26. Then more than two households could be allowed if they are direct relatives.
  • The Reuters news agency reports that the federal and state governments are now in a Ban on the sale of pyrotechnics Should have agreed before New Years Eve.

Starting at 10 in the morning Merkel and the prime ministers will discuss the new measures in the crown crisis. The meeting was called on short notice because previous less stringent measures had not produced the expected change in the number of infections.
