What facilities and restrictions apply now in your state?


Which crown rules are relaxed and which are not

Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime ministers of federal states discussed more than three hours of further relief from the crown crisis on Thursday. The result: museums, zoos and playgrounds should be opened throughout Germany. The federal states themselves decide exactly when. There will also be religious services and prayer events under certain conditions. Schools, kindergartens and the Bundesliga, on the other hand, must be patient until May 6. We have summarized what has changed for you in an overview.

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Angela Merkel: advance in small steps

Protection measures adopted across the country on April 30 mainly affect playgrounds, places of worship, museums and zoos. Chancellor Merkel warned at a joint press conference with Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder and Hamburg Mayor Peter Tschentscher. Now is not the time for further relaxation steps. “There are no experiments with human health,” said Söder. The only decision was made to loosen that “it poses no significant risk of infection,” said Tschentscher.

However, the Foreign Ministry and several prime ministers also made clear that there could also be more opening steps at different regional speeds, as the pandemic is unfolding differently in individual federal states and regions.

Contact restrictions

The distance rules for public life remain for the moment. Merkel did not specify a specific end date on Thursday: Acting Chancellor Helge Braun had previously mentioned a period until at least May 10. Until then, citizens must maintain a minimum distance of 1.5 meters in public and only stay there alone, with another person who does not live in the home, or with members of their own home.
Saxony-Anhalt was the first federal state to change the regulations. Starting May 4, five people can be together there, even if they don’t live in a home.

Will the playgrounds reopen?

Slides, seesaws and swings must be allowed again under certain conditions. However, Merkel emphasized that the final decision on opening would be made by the countries themselves.

In Berlin Children were allowed to play in many playgrounds on Thursday. Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, Brandenburg and Schleswig-Holstein They decided immediately after the resolutions to reopen their seats as quickly as possible, sometimes even on weekends. Conditions have yet to be determined, however, individual municipalities may move.

Museums, zoos and memorials.

Museums, zoos, exhibitions and memorials should also be allowed to reopen. Queues should definitely be avoided. To comply with the distance rules in small and historic buildings, the conversions will be financed with ten million euros.

In some states like Berlin, Schleswig-Holstein, Thuringia and Saxony-anhalt Zoos and animal parks are now open. Berlin museums should also start on Monday. Other countries announced openings.

Religious services and meetings.

Community services must also be allowed again, here also with rules on distance and hygiene. Special religious celebrations, such as baptisms, circumcisions, or weddings, as well as funeral services, should again be possible in a small group. Churches have definite conditions for religious celebrations by themselves: the Evangelical Church in Germany is planning religious services without singing and without wind instruments, the German Catholic Bishops’ Conference recommends silent singing and special precautions for communion.

In churches in North Rhine-Westphalia The services can be held again with visitors starting May 1. Other federal states have also announced easing.

What applies to schools and kindergartens?

It remains open when more children can go to schools and daycare centers. Federal and state governments want to discuss this in more detail on May 6. Acting Chancellor Helge Braun expressed the hope that all of the daycare’s children can be cared for again before the summer break.

But as the summit continued, it became known that North Rhine-Westphalia Take an important step in opening schools: All elementary students in the state must go to school in a continuous system beginning May 11. NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) relativized the school ministry plans soon after. Mail for schools will be “corrected,” Laschet said Thursday in Düsseldorf. On May 6, everything else will be discussed with the federal and state governments.

Hairdressers open under certain conditions.

Hairdressing salons may reopen from May 4, subject to conditions. Chancellor Merkel and the prime ministers had already decided this at the previous meeting.

Since the minimum distance of 1.50 meters cannot be maintained when cutting, both clients and hairdressers must wear mouth and nose protection. You should wash your hair before cutting it, according to an occupational safety standard of the professional association responsible for health and wellness services. Accordingly, face-related services such as eyelash color, shaving, or beard care are not permitted at this time. In addition, a sufficient distance between people in classrooms must be guaranteed, for example by limiting the number of jobs.

Restaurants and hotels

There are no changes here either: restaurants, cafes and hotels remain closed. Ministers are expected to make proposals for the chancellor’s conference with heads of state before May 6. It’s about showing perspectives, Merkel said. When asked if one could travel to Europe again this summer, Merkel replied that this was not yet on the agenda.


The Bundesliga is still waiting for a clear political signal for a new start to the season. In the summit round, the decision to continue the first and second soccer leagues and gradually open the club’s sports was postponed. “Today’s consultations were an intermediate step,” said Merkel, announcing: “We will make very clear decisions on May 6, in what sequence and in what ways school and daycare are possible again, and certain sports activities under certain conditions.” . “

Store openings

There are no changes here either. Merkel defended the controversial ban on large companies with more than 800 square meters. The goal is not to have all the “passenger traffic” in city centers. It should also be balanced: “For example, it was important to me now that we didn’t open all the shops, but we still didn’t say a word about daycare.”

Retailers had massively criticized the 800-square-meter rule. The sales ban was on Bavaria had been declared unconstitutional, other courts had confirmed the rule. So the KaDeWe in Berlin after a court decision reopen throughout its area. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania now tear down the limit. Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) announced Thursday that starting Saturday, all stores will be able to use their entire sales area again.

In Thuringia Starting Monday, all stores will be reopened, as well as driving schools, cosmetics, nail salons, and foot care.

Important events remain banned

The federal and state governments want to keep the ban on major events like folk festivals, larger sporting events with spectators, and concerts until at least the end of August. It is not foreseeable when and under what conditions smaller public and private events or celebrations could take place due to the particularly high risk of infection.

Big events in countries like the Oktoberfest in Munich, the Cannstatt Volksfest in Stuttgart, the marathon in Berlin, the main music fairs and festivals have been canceled in the countries. In Berlin For example, major events with more than 5,000 participants are prohibited until October 24.

Crown Rules: This is still applicable throughout the country:

  • Throughout Germany, mouth and nose protection must be worn when shopping and on local public transport.
  • Students in Germany started the summer semester digitally, with lectures and seminars via video.
  • Workers with colds can get sick from their doctor over the phone. The corresponding special regulation applies until May 18.
  • Traveling family members should be avoided. The world travel warning still applies to travel abroad, which was extended from Wednesday to mid-June.
  • Work, emergency care, shopping, doctor visits, attending required meetings, appointments and exams, helping others or doing individual sports and exercising outdoors, as well as other necessary activities, are still possible.
  • All companies and especially those with public traffic must comply with hygiene regulations and implement effective protection measures for employees and visitors.

TVNOW documentary: what we learn from the crisis

The corona virus keeps Germany and the rest of the world on hold. Now you can find the new documentary “What we learn from the crisis” on TVNOW.

After the successful first part of the “Zero Hour” document, the authors in the second TVNOW document “Zero Hour – Race with the Virus” compare the various measures of individual countries around the world with the current recommendations of the researchers.

You can find more information in our podcast “We and Crown”.

You can find more videos about coronavirus here
