Werder Bremen: Foul on goalkeeper Jiri Pavlenka? Problems with the referee in Cologne!


Cologne – After the game there was only one issue: Was it a foul on Jiri Pavlenka or not? For Florian Kohfeldt there were no two opinions, the SV Werder Bremen coach considered the equalization of 1.FC Köln irregular, he was particularly annoyed with the video assistant (VAR) and judged after 1: 1 (0: 0): “ This is the wrong decision for me, both in terms of content and depth. And that’s the victory scene that brings us the draw and wins. “His Cologne colleague Markus Gisdol saw it very differently:” I don’t think anyone can complain about this goal being scored. “

It was about the scene at minute 83. Werder Bremen led 1-0 through Josh Sargent’s goal (65th) as a Noah Katterbach cross entered the Bremen penalty area. Actually a safe proposition for Jiri PavlenkaBut the goalkeeper did not get hold of the ball, but put it in the head in an aerial fight with Emmanuel Dennis. And then the substitute could Jonas hector then effortlessly shoot the ball into the empty goal to make it 1: 1 (83rd). At first it seemed like a serious goalkeeper mistake. But television footage showed that Dennis had touched Pavlenka’s arm with his hand in the air and thus decisively interrupted the capture movement.

Missing or not? Jiri Pavlenka’s scene causes problems in the Bundesliga game between Werder Bremen and 1. FC Köln

“Dennis takes Pavlenka’s arm away, and a goalkeeper needs both arms to catch the ball,” he analyzed Florian Kohfeldt on Sky and then briefly summed up again: “If you take his arms, then it’s ragged.” It is also irrelevant where the action takes place, in this case outside the five meter space. “This is not a protection zone for a goalkeeper. But a goalkeeper can hold hands in the penalty area. But if his hand is pushed, then he can’t catch the ball, so it’s a clear foul. “

Referee Matthias Jöllenbeck He saw it differently, his pipe remained silent. But then it got interesting and from a SV Werder Bremen quite annoying. “Mr. Jöllenbeck told me on the field that he only checked the scene for handball and therefore did not look at it again,” Kohfeldt wrote. This is what the official referee channel of the German Football Federation (DFB) announced. The Werder coach explicitly took Jöllenbeck, his assistant in front of the screens, under protection, in this case Bastian Dankert, but duty: “He has to Video referee watch. From my point of view there is no discussion ”.

Florian Kohfeldt: “Wrong decision” – Should VAR have intervened for Jiri Pavlenka at Werder Bremen against Cologne?

What stood out: Florian Kohfeldt Despite all the anger at the controversial goal conceded, he remained fairly calm, voicing his criticism very objectively, without much emotion. And on Werder’s website there are only statements from the coach on the topic of the day. Players like striker Sargent or defensive boss Toprak are also cited, but not in relation to the one Kohfeldt clearly stated. “Bad decision”. May want Werder Bremen Keep the barrel open to avoid losing favor with the umpire guild during the crucial phase of the season.

The now popular referee podcast “Heirs of Collina”, whose operators also work as experts for Sky, judged directly after the game as follows: “For me it is a duel in the air that complies with the rules, the Jiri Pavlenka misses. Dennis uses his arm in the head-butt jump motion and not to obstruct the goalkeeper. The fact that Pavlenka can’t catch the ball because his arm is there doesn’t make it irregular. ” The tweet caused great outrage, especially among Werder fans, and should certainly shake the head of the SV Werder Bremen coach. (kni / csa)

Read about this: Foul or Mistake: Headwind for Werder Pavlenka goalkeeper from Bremen goalkeeper legends Oliver Reck, Tim Wiese and Andreas Reinke

Last post of March 7, 2021:

‘No correct goal’ – Werder Bremen upset by video referee

For Florian Kohfeldt It was the issue after the highly controversial agreement of the 1. FC Cologne against his SV Werder Bremen in the final scoreline 1-1 of course: “For me it was not a correct goal.” The Cologne striker, Emmanuel Dennis, had the Werder goalkeeper Jiri Pavlenka after touching the side with the hand on the arm. Pavlenka could not catch the ball high, he got it in the head, and Jonas Hector benefited, who was able to shoot at the empty goal.

“Dennis takes Pavlenka’s arm away, and a goalkeeper needs both arms to catch the ball,” he analyzed Florian Kohfeldt in Sky. The Werder coach was surprisingly calm, other teammates would probably have been much angrier in this situation. Because history was even more bitter for Werder Bremen. Actually, video assistant (WHERE) Bastian Dankert had to jump next to the referee Matthias Jöllenbeck, the television images were quite clear what was the fault of the 1. FC Cologne worries. But communication between the referees did not seem to work at all.

Werder Bremen’s controversial goal against 1. FC Köln: foul or mistake?

“Mr. Jöllenbeck told me on the field that he only checked it for handball and therefore didn’t look at it again,” Kohfeldt wrote. This is what the official channel of the German Football Federation (DFB) had for its referee proclaimed.

For Florian Kohfeldt Y Werder Bremen It was like this incomprehensible: “I told Mr. Jöllenbeck that, in general, I found his management of the game very good. But you just have to look at it, there is no discussion from my point of view. This is not a protection zone for a goalkeeper. But a goalkeeper can hold hands in the penalty area. But if his hand is pushed, then he cannot catch the ball, so it is a clear foul. “The scorer Héctor saw it differently:” It was not a foul for me, it looked that way, that’s why he can with him live. ”(Kni) Also interesting: Werder Bremen scores against 1. FC Cologne: Josh Sargent strong, Kevin Möhwald pale.
