Weather in Munich: It’s even hotter! But then disappointment threatens


Munich will wake up from hibernation in the next week. Plenty of sun and mild temperatures draw you outside. February will not break records.

  • The new week promises plenty of sunshine and unusually high temperatures (update Feb 22 at 8:45 am).
  • The cold air from Russia is already on the starting blocks (update on February 20 at 9.50 am).
  • This news ticker is continually updated.

February 22 update at 8.45 am.: If you were already awake in Munich at sunrise, you may have looked a little disappointed up to the sky. The beginning of the new week was gray and sad. But the bad weather didn’t last long. The fog quickly dissolved and gave way to another sunny day in Munich. The time portal According to today, Monday, February 22, temperatures of up to 17 degrees will be reached. Spring weather will continue for the next few days. So if you can, you should go out and enjoy the heat.

Weather: A dream start to the new week: pure sunshine and almost 20 degrees in Munich

Weather shows forecasts for after a longer spring. It shouldn’t stay in 17 degrees today. On Thursday, February 25, it should even reach 19 degrees. Then you can almost speak of “early summer” temperatures. But you should not get used to the weather for long. Already on Friday, February 26, the dream weather could end harshly. How In addition, the rain threatens in Munich. The probability of this is currently 50 percent. It therefore remains to be seen how long the sun will shine on the metropolis of Isar.

February 21 update at 1:59 pm.: A week ago it was still shaking with freezing temperatures, now spring fever: in Bavaria it is pushing the first flowers out of the ground and people are being driven out. But police did not detect a “rush” in the hiking areas in many areas until midday Saturday in the Corona crisis.

Weather in Munich: spring temperatures remain, no rush for excursion areas

The Upper Bavarian Police did not report columns of hikers. The Upper Franconia and Allgäu police also reported no problems. Near the Alps and on Lower Main, meteorologists had forecast up to 16 degrees; A week ago, it was a good 30 degrees cooler. The German Weather Service (DWD) continues to give bathers hope. It will remain very smooth for the next few days. At night and in the morning hours on Sunday there are frost and fog in the areas, according to the DWD. “A stable maximum extends from the Iberian Peninsula to Eastern Europe. With a shallow foehn, the very soft air flows towards Bavaria from the south ”. On Sunday, gusts of foehn can occur in the Alps.

Weather in Munich: Although it may not seem like it, the next big change is imminent

Update from February 20, 9:50 am: A bright sun greeted the people of Munich on Saturday morning. Also, the thermometer rose to seven degrees in the early hours of the morning. A preview of temperatures that can reach 15 degrees. And so begins the first week of spring 2021. Until Friday it says temperatures up to 17 degrees later for the state capital. In addition to a lot of sun. It can only cool off at night. If the values ​​are still below zero degrees at the beginning of the week, they increase by plus two degrees during the course of the week.

Even if the temperatures are too warm for the time of year: they probably won’t exceed February’s record high. The highest measured value for Munich dates back to 1990. On February 25 it was an incredible 21.4 degrees. February this year will not be able to overcome that.

Otherwise. Winter is not giving up yet. Another change in the weather threatens starting next weekend. Temperatures are returning to 10 degrees and will likely drop further in the first week of March. A low-pressure area with cold air from Russia is already on its way to us. The likelihood that it will be really cool again in March is great.

Changes in the weather are a problem for allergy sufferers

Update on February 19 at 21:48: Bright sun and up to 15 degrees in the shade. That is the forecast for tomorrow Saturday in Munich and surroundings. Unfortunately, an endangered group is left behind: allergy sufferers. Because hazelnut bushes are already blooming and spreading their pollen. DWD estimates hazelnut pollen air pollution for all of southern Bavaria, including Munich, to be average. All of February 19? For this, experts actually hold climate change responsible. Measurement data from the last two decades shows that pollen count starts earlier each year. Bad news for all allergy sufferers. If you have your reactions to pollen under control with medications, you may still be happy with everyone else. Spring will come from tomorrow. Even if not for long. The long-term forecast for Munich and Bavaria can be found below in the article.

Update on February 19 at 10:31 am: There is still not much to see about the spring weather in and around Munich. But according to the forecasts of the meteorological portal, that should work change very soon. Today, Friday, February 19, the morning will still be wet and cool, temperatures will peak at nine degrees in the late afternoon. But starting tomorrow, February 20, the mild weather will penetrate fully. During the weekend, the sun shines continuously in Munich at temperatures of 15 degrees. At the beginning of the new week, temperatures continue to rise.

Weather: Spring is coming; up to 20 degrees are possible

From Monday, February 22 to Thursday, February 25, it will be hotter and hotter. With bright sunshine and temperatures around 20 degrees, spring is coming in full force for the first time. However, it remains very cool at night. At values ​​around zero degrees, temperatures drop sharply as soon as the sun sets.

First report of February 18, 2021

Munich – The weather in Germany couldn’t be more different in such a short amount of time. After the country was firmly dominated by the Siberian cold for the past two weeks, spring is knocking on the door. Last weekend, for example, the thermometer in Munich * still read minus seventeen degrees at night. Now for the radical change: at the weekend and at the beginning of the new week, spring comes to Germany in full force; then temperatures of up to 20 degrees are possible, not only in Munich.

Weather in Germany: BBQ weather across the country – up to 20 degrees possible

Like meteorologist Dominik Jung of the meteorological portal He explains, in Germany the mild climate will initially prevail in full force. Already on Thursday, February 18, temperatures of up to 15 degrees will be reached in the west and southwest of the country. During the weekend, the weather will continue to warm; by Sunday, temperatures of 19 degrees will be reached in the west and especially in Breisgau.

Spring also arrives in Munich, where Jung is supposed to shine in the sun all weekend, but the maximum is not reached at temperatures of 16 degrees. At the beginning of the week, temperatures in Upper Bavaria rise to 18 degrees. In the southwest, the magic limit of 20 degrees should be reached. But friends of spring should curb their expectations: mild weather is only a brief interlude before, according to long-term forecasts, winter wins again.

Weather: Long-term forecasts speak for themselves: winter is making a comeback

As Dominik Jung from Further explained, there are no signs of a sustainable advance from spring into March. Based on the long-term forecasts of the European EZMWF (European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) weather model, it can be seen that winter is not blowing yet in Germany. The model analyzes various long-term forecasts and uses them to create a forecast that also covers periods in the distant future.

For March, according to meteorologist Dominik Jung, one thing can be clearly seen: from now on, no temperature anomalies will be seen. The maps of Germany are marked in white, which means that the month is not expected to be too warm or too cold. Consequently, Jung. Therefore, based on current estimates, winter is likely to continue.

Winter returns to Germany again

© Screenshot: The Weather Channel Deutschland / YouTube

Weather: March forecast speaks for itself: “It’s cold again”

Not only Dominik Jung von see the situation like this. Also Jan Schenk from The Weather Channel Deutschland he evaluates the situation in a similar way: “It’s cold again. We shouldn’t get too used to these 20 degrees, ”says Jung. “Severe frosts” are particularly common at night. According to forecasts, March “will probably be too cold”. Due to the higher position of the sun, temperatures warmed more than in the past.

However, it might even be enough for new snowfall, so Schenk continues. “We have to get used to the fact that winter is coming back.” This is due to the high Azores, which is resetting and blocking the jet stream, freeing the way for cold air to reach Germany. * is part of the Ippen digital publishing network nationwide

Rubric List List: © Angelika Warmuth
