Weather in Germany: Storm Brigitte meets Germany – News


Grey clouds. The wind gets stronger. The time has come: the depression of Storm Brigitte is approaching.

Brigitte is infuriated by Brittany on Friday. Around 80,000 people in the coastal region are without electricity. Up to 186 kilometers per hour were measured on the island of Belle-Île-sur-Mer off the Breton coast.

“There is also a lot of wind here in the west on Saturday. On Sunday night there can be individual showers of up to 100 km / h in the west. The east, on the other hand, receives very warm air masses in front of the low and these push the highs in the east up to 27 degrees on Saturday. A summer day on the Day of German Unity in the East! ”Says graduate meteorologist Dominik Jung vom Meteorological Service Q.met opposite of BILD.

In France it is the storm Alex, with us the low pressure area is called Brigitte.

“Today the wind can be felt throughout the country. The shores are stormy on Saturday. Sunday, especially the west morning, from Emsland to the Black Forest. Then there can be wind gusts with a wind force of 8 or 9 on Sunday morning, ”explains climatologist Dr. Karsten Brandt of opposite of BILD.

Lightning summer in the east and rather cold fall weather in the west. So is the Day of German Unity.

“Due to the low, the east wind is increasing more and more today, and locally it is more than 20 degrees. The coolest in the region, where it tends to be the warmest, in the southwest, ”says Jürgen Schmidt, a graduate meteorologist from WetterKontor to BILD.

On Saturday, very warm air enters Germany from southern Europe. Therefore, up to 25 or 27 degrees are expected in the southeast and east. There is also a lot of sun. Otherwise there will be a lot of clouds and they will bring some rain to the west. Here they are only measured from 11 to 15 degrees.

The low moves a little east on Saturday, its cold front will hit most regions of Germany on Saturday and will remain dry in the east and northeast into the evening.

Climate expert Schmidt on BILD: “In the east it is also the best and warmest weather for unity celebrations. In the west and south, however, below 20 degrees, sometimes below 15 degrees. “

Am Freitagmorgen fegte der Sturm in der Bretagne das Dach einer Schule zu BodenPhoto: LOIC VENANCE / AFP

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On Friday morning, the storm in Brittany blew the roof of a school to the groundPhoto: LOIC VENANCE / AFP

On Sunday then a mixture of sun and clouds, rains mainly in the west and southwest, especially in the east again locally around or above 20 degrees.

And the prospects? Licensed meteorologist Andreas Friedrich of German meteorological service tells BILD: “In the next week the sun will be rare across the country. Dense fields of clouds pass over and over again, which in some areas also bring rain. Temperatures only reach 13-18 degrees with a strong southwest wind. Autumn has settled in, but the rains are still urgently needed in some regions. “
