“We need another effort”: School, private meetings, Christmas – these are the new resolutions – politics


Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the country’s leaders agreed on a new course of action to combat the corona pandemic. “We came to a good result,” Merkel said late Wednesday after deliberations that had started in the early afternoon. He regretted: “The situation does not allow us to lift the November measures.”

Therefore, the partial lockdown will last until December 20. Merkel also said, however, that it was agreed that the current restrictions “should apply until early January, according to humane judgment.” The requirements so far have only led to “partial success”. The exponential growth was broken, but the numbers remained at a very high level. “We need another effort,” Merkel said.

The core of all efforts must remain reducing the number of contacts. “This is why we had to adjust it again in some areas,” Merkel said. When asked when the goal of a seven-day national incidence of less than 50 should be achieved, Merkel declined to make a forecast.

According to the Prime Minister of Saxony-Anhalt, Reiner Haseloff (CDU), there will be further crown consultations between heads of state and Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on Wednesday of next week.

Angela Merkel and the heads of country agreed on this at their meeting – an overview:


The federal government and the states have one Hotspot value agreed. Only from an incident of 200 Crown rules need to be significantly re-adjusted. According to the Robert Koch Institute, the value in Berlin was the last 195, but according to the health administration it was 218.


Only from a regional incidence of more than 200 and grade 8 (except final grades) should additional steps be taken to better comply with AHA rules, for example, hybrid or Alternate lessons, give. The Chancellor and Prime Ministers quarreled for a long time and in tension over the cost of additional school buses. Result: the passage on financing is completely removed. Transport ministers should clarify the problem.

Students who have obtained positive results should start a five-day course immediately with their classmates, usually the school class. quarantine issued. Weekend days count. As it also says, affected students must take a rapid test after five days of quarantine. Anyone who is negative can go back to school. Those who are positive should be retested every three days until the test is negative.

According to the decision, teachers should not be included in this “group isolation” due to “temporary and differently structured contact”. However, it remains to be seen whether there are enough rapid tests for such a procedure. The resolution only says: “The federal government continues to ensure the largest possible contingent of rapid antigen tests for Germany and also supports the development of national production capacity.”

the Christmas holidays must be the 19.12.2019 start, except in Bremen and Thuringia. According to the resolution, the two countries reserve the right to “a country-specific regulation on the start of holidays.” The obligation to wear a mask “may” also be introduced for grades 5 and 6.

School operations faced great challenges during the Corona crisis.Photo: Britta Pedersen / dpa-Zentralbild / dpa

Retail trade:

The mask requirement will be expanded and in the future will also apply in front of retail stores and in parking lots. Holiday shopping should be done during the week if possible. There can be no more than one customer for every 20 square meters of sales area in stores, from one Total store space of 800 square meters. This is an important adjustment: Until now, a customer was allowed to stay in a sales area smaller than 10 square meters. Stores must organize entry management.

Contact restrictions:

Two households with a maximum of five people must be allowed to meet in their own apartment. Young people under 14 years of age are exempt from the requirements. So far a total of ten adults are allowed, there has been no explicit restriction regarding the apartment, just a recommendation. Schleswig-Holstein adheres to its own rules of contact.


There should be a special regulation for Christmas: from December 23 to January 1, “gatherings with close relatives or friends” should be allowed up to a maximum of ten people. Children up to 14 years of age are excluded in both cases.

The goal is for only the “closest relatives” to be together, NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet said after the meeting. “There should be no Christmas parties and there should be no parties on New Year’s Eve,” Laschet says.

Cultural events and restaurants:

Cultural institutions like Museums, cinemas and theaters they should remain closed, but “as soon as possible in view of the infection situation,” the federal states should be able to open them again.

According to NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU), restaurants and catering establishments must remain closed during Christmas. Measures to contain the corona virus should continue to apply until early January, Laschet said Wednesday in Düsseldorf after federal-state consultations on the corona pandemic. “All restaurants are closed, even at Christmas.. “

In the resolution document of the federal and state governments, it says: “The federal government and the states assume that extensive restrictions will be necessary in early January (especially in the hospitality and restaurant sector) due to the high level of infection. They will do another review and evaluation before Christmas. “

New Year’s fireworks:

There should be no blanket ban on firecrackers. Public fireworks are banned to avoid mass gatherings on New Year’s Eve. Fireworks must be prohibited in “busy squares and streets.”

Ski holiday:

Ski holidays should be avoided until January 10. There will probably not be a ban, but an appeal to citizens to renounce it. The additional procedure should be discussed at European level, as stated. The corresponding discussions will take place among the interested countries. “The federal government is asked to work at the European level to ensure that ski tourism is not allowed until January 10,” says the decision document.

Restaurants are still closed.Photo: Arne Dedert / dpa

Train travel:

Deutsche Bahn will take additional measures in long-distance traffic due to Christmas trips. For the winter months, only all window seats should be able to be reserved at ICE. Most aisle seats need to be locked into the reservation system and then unreserved. In principle, only one seat should be reserved per double seat.

For seating groups with a table, only the diagonally opposite seats can be reserved. In the six-seat compartments, only two seats can be reserved. For customers traveling together, areas are provided where adjacent seating can be reserved.

Protection for risk groups:

To protect risk groups such as the elderly and infirm, the use of Rapid tests Corona expand even more. Starting December 1, 30 rapid tests per month should be possible for each person needing care. Depending on availability, this requirement should be increased gradually. Currently up to 20 tests can be performed per month and residents in nursing homes. To do this, institutions must create test concepts. The health department then determines how many tests can be purchased and financed with the costs of health insurance.

“It is important that residents in the facilities can also receive family visits in the safest possible conditions at Christmas,” the decision continues.

Economic protection of clinics:

No consensus could be reached on exactly how financial assistance should be provided to clinics. The Federal Ministry of Health, the Conference of Ministers of Health and the Advisory Council will meet again for this purpose.

Additional grants:

There should be more financial aid estimated at 17,000 million euros for companies affected by the closure.

There are these diversion options:

Regional peculiarities should be discussed: countries with an incidence well below 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days and a downward incidence trend, the possibility of deviating from the measures.
