“We have very, very difficult months ahead!” – BZ Berlin


The number of corona infections is increasing rapidly: On Sunday morning, the RKI reported 11,176 new infections in one day, citing figures from health authorities. The day before it was 14,714. In an internal change, Chancellor Angela Merkel (66, CDU) is now raising the alarm again!

By Filipp Piativ, Jan Schäfer, Ralf Schuler and Willi Haentjes

According to information from the BILD, the Chancellor warned in an interview with the leaders of the parliamentary group of the Union of federal states on Sunday night: “We are facing very, very difficult months!”

Merkel was also concerned about the upcoming Prime Minister’s Conference on October 30. She “doesn’t have a good feeling,” the Chancellor said. “It can’t go on like this.” In the exchange with the leaders of the parliamentary groups, Merkel also warned: “I suppose that the number of infections will continue to increase considerably.”

According to BILD information, Merkel literally called Corona in the change of the leaders of the Union factions “visitation” and “calamity”, which no one could have imagined before.

She made it known several times that she might have heard it before, but she obviously didn’t want it to sound stubborn. Apparently, the chancellor felt misunderstood. She blamed tourists in particular for the increase in the number of infected people. “It happened because of vacation trips,” Merkel responded to the statement of the leader of the CSU parliamentary group in the Bavarian state parliament, Thomas Kreutzer (61), who had previously reported 4,000 infected people in BMW, most of them come from Turkey and Kosovo.

also read

► Technical breakdown in the RKI – Corona infection figures incomplete on Friday

► When will the corona vaccine finally arrive?

Based on information from BILD, the Chancellor also assumes that no larger events outside will be possible until at least February. Nothing will stay as it was. Merkel’s message: “Discipline, discipline, discipline”!

She did NOT explicitly use the word blocking, but made it clear that she did not believe the virus could be controlled by “simple means.” The example of Korea doesn’t work for us because data protection always interferes with us. That is why our application does not contribute so much, said the Chancellor.

Merkel expects Biontech’s vaccine to be approved in mid to late March. He indirectly warned that some regions will reach their capacity limits: “I don’t think someone in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, where there is still capacity, wants to go into the hospital because it is already full elsewhere.”

Spahn and Merkel make an urgent appeal to the population

Merkel and the self-infected Health Minister Jens Spahn (40, CDU) had already made urgent appeals to the population and asked again for help to contain the corona pandemic.

“Please continue to help and don’t listen to those who trivialize and appease. It’s serious, ”Spahn said in a video posted on his Facebook page on Sunday.

The day before, Merkel had repeated her call from the previous week on her video podcast, asking people to refrain from traveling and networking. In view of the dramatic rise in crown numbers, the CDU party congress scheduled for early December, at which the successor to CDU leader Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer will be elected, is also shaking.
