“We criminals today” – ridiculous for Susanne Eisenmann’s election poster


Germany Baden-Württemberg

“We the criminals of today” – the main candidate of the CDU receives ridicule by electoral poster

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Susanne Eisenmann, the top candidate of the CDU Baden-Württemberg for the upcoming state elections, presented the election posters on Friday. Susanne Eisenmann, the top candidate of the CDU Baden-Württemberg for the upcoming state elections, presented the election posters on Friday.

Susanne Eisenmann, the top candidate of the CDU Baden-Württemberg for the upcoming state elections, presented the election posters on Friday.

Source: pa / dpa / Marijan Murat

A CDU election poster in Baden-Württemberg sparked malice. The top candidate, Susanne Eisenmann, defended the motive. “We are reassured by the fact that a message on posters on the Internet is deliberately misinterpreted,” he said.

TRotz’s criticism and ridicule of the CDU election posters want to keep the top CDU candidate from Baden-Württemberg, Susanne Eisenmann, on internal security grounds.

“I am pleased that several of the motifs for the posters that we have presented are being intensively debated and debated. That’s the goal of a campaign, ”Eisenmann said in Stuttgart on Sunday. “We are reassured by the fact that a message on posters on the Internet is deliberately misinterpreted.”

Previously, numerous Internet users had scoffed at the motives. Communication expert Frank Brettschneider from the University of Hohenheim recommended that the CDU not post the posters for “manual errors.” In Baden-Württemberg, a new state parliament will be elected in six weeks. Eisenmann challenges Green Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann.

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Eisenmann had unveiled the posters on Friday. One of them reads in capital letters: “Vote CDU because we are hunting today’s criminals with tomorrow’s team.” Twitter users turned this into “We Criminals Today” arguing that motorists often only read the first line as they pass. The second motif with the question “Don’t we all want to be protected?”, Flanked by a photo of Eisenmann, was also mockingly commented on.

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According to its own information, Southwest CDU wants to put up about 1,500 large-format posters in three waves, each with six motifs. Eisenmann explained his adherence to the cartels as follows: “Internal security is a core competence of the CDU and it worries many people. Because only those who feel safe can also feel good. “
