Washington riots: Trump supporters storm Capitol Hill


Rather than a dignified act, it’s probably one of the most unworthy days in recent American history: Trump supporters penetrated parliament to avoid confirmation of Democrat Biden’s election victory. It is currently unclear how it will continue.

Protests by supporters of US President-elect Donald Trump intensify in Washington. After hundreds of Trump supporters rushed to the Capitol in Washington, the parliamentary seat was sealed. Inside, both houses of parliament met to confirm the results of the November presidential election, which is actually a purely formal act.

In front of and in the building there are chaotic scenes, according to media reports at least one person was injured by gunfire. The meeting broke down after protesters entered the building. Parliamentarians were taken out of the building and donned gas masks while tear gas was used in the Capitol rotunda.

Biden: “Unprecedented Attack” on American Democracy

The winner of the election, Democrat Joe Biden, spoke of an “unprecedented attack” on American democracy. “I am truly shocked and saddened that our nation, for so long a beacon and hope for democracy, has reached such a dark time.”

The violence must end, Biden said. “Breaking into the Capitol, breaking windows, occupying offices, occupying the United States Senate, rummaging through House desks on Capitol Hill, and threatening the safety of duly elected officials is not a protest,” Biden said. “It’s a ruckus.” Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser ordered a citywide curfew due to the unrest.

Trump incites protesters

Previously, the president-elect had urged his followers to protest against the confirmation of the electoral result by Congress, after which the protesters marched towards the Capitol. During the rally, Trump repeated his unsubstantiated accusation that he had been tricked into not winning the election.

In the past, the Republican had encouraged his supporters time and time again. After the protesters stormed the Capitol, he called them on Twitter to moderate. “Stay in peace!” He wrote, asking them to support the police and security forces who were “on the side of our country.”

Only later did he ask the protesters in a video message to leave. He understands the anger over the election result, “but you have to go home now,” Trump said. In this video, too, he repeated the accusation of electoral fraud, again without any evidence. Addressing the protesters, he said: “We love them. They are very special.” Like almost all of Trump’s tweets thus far, Twitter also warned about this due to controversial statements.

Republicans are also pushing Trump

Top Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Charles Schumer had previously urged Trump to call protesters immediately. Several former colleagues also urged him to be clearer and clearly condemn the action of the protesters. “You are the only one he will listen to,” said former Trump communications chief Alyssa Farah. “Judge this now.”

Former Trump chief of staff Mick Mulvaney wrote: “The president’s tweet is not enough. You can stop this now and you must do just that. Tell these people to go home.”

Pence: “All the hardships of the law”

It is unclear how the ceremony to confirm the election result will unfold.

Trump’s deputy, Vice President Mike Pence, condemned the events on Capitol Hill. “Peaceful protest is a right of every American, but this attack on our Capitol will not be tolerated and those involved will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law,” Pence tweeted.

Pence opposes Trump’s request

Pence presided over the session of the two houses of parliament, in which the result of the elections must only be confirmed formally and in a dignified act. The law gives it a ceremonial role. As soon as the votes of the electorate of the different states are officially counted in the purely formal act, he must declare the Democrats Biden as the winner of the presidential election, his boss Trump and himself as the losers.

Prior to the meeting, Pence had made it clear that he did not want to block this confirmation of Democrat Biden’s victory. His oath to protect the constitution prevents him from deciding “unilaterally” on “which votes should be counted and which should not.”

Pence opposed Trump’s demands. The president-elect of the United States had increased pressure on his deputy in recent days to overturn Biden’s election victory. Pence should outlaw multiple voters and replace them with those who vote for him, according to Trump. He had claimed that the vice president had the power to “fraudulently” reject voters.
