Washington riots: Trump supporters invade the Capitol


Rather than a dignified act, it will likely be one of the most unworthy days in recent US history: Trump supporters penetrated parliament to avoid confirmation of Democrat Biden’s election victory. It is currently unclear how it will continue.

After hundreds of supporters of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, rushed to the Capitol in Washington, the parliamentary seat was agreed. Inside, both houses of parliament had met to confirm the results of the November presidential elections. The protesters headed for the building. The meeting was canceled, Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser ordered a citywide curfew due to the unrest.

Previously, the president-elect had urged his followers to protest against the confirmation of the electoral result by Congress, after which the protesters marched towards the Capitol. During the rally, Trump repeated his unsubstantiated accusation that he had been tricked into not winning the election.

After protesters stormed the Capitol, he called them on Twitter to ask for restraint. “Stay in peace!” He wrote, asking them to support the police and security forces who were “on the side of our country.”

It is not clear how things will continue with the ceremony, actually purely formal, to confirm the outcome of the elections. At least it is clear that US Vice President Mike Pence does not want to block the formal confirmation of the victory of Democrat Joe Biden. His oath to protect the constitution prevents him from deciding “unilaterally” which votes should be counted and which ones should not, “said Republican Pence shortly before the start of the session he presides over as president of the Senate.

Pence opposed Trump’s demands. The president-elect of the United States had increased pressure on his deputy in recent days to overturn Biden’s election victory. Pence should outlaw multiple voters and replace them with those who vote for him, according to Trump.

Trump: “Mach is, Mike”

However, the law only allows Pence to play a ceremonial role at the meeting of the House of Representatives and the Senate, the two houses of Congress. He must confirm the result of the election in the joint session of both houses. As soon as the votes of the electorate of the various states are officially counted in what is really a purely formal act, he must declare the Democrats Biden as the winner of the presidential election, his boss Trump and himself as the losers.

Trump had claimed, however, that the vice president had the power to “fraudulently” reject selected voters. “Do it Mike, these times take a lot of courage,” Trump wrote on Twitter, a tweet that was warned by Twitter, like many of Trump’s tweets of late.

Objection after a few minutes

Since his defeat, Trump has repeatedly claimed that his victory was stolen from him by massive electoral fraud. He did not provide any evidence for this. Dozens of lawsuits by Trump have failed, including before the United States Supreme Court.

Right at the beginning of the session of the two houses of the Congress, the Republican deputies had appealed, as announced, against the recognition of the result in the US state of Arizona. The objection forced the two houses of congress to withdraw to separate sessions to debate the objections.

McConnell’s Warning Words

The head of the Republicans in the US Senate, Mitch McConnell, warned his friends in the party shortly before the meeting that the result of the election could be canceled. This would damage the United States forever.

President-elect Biden, who will take office on January 20, campaigned for unity in the country before the meeting. After two runoff elections for the United States Senate in Georgia, where there was a Democratic majority in Congress, Biden said: “The American people want action and they want unity. I am more optimistic than ever that we can do both.” .

With information from Arthur Landwehr, ARD-Studio Washington
