Washington Liveticker: Congressional session continues after Capitol riots


Police: a person shot in the Capitol

After supporters of US President-elect Donald Trump entered the Capitol in Washington, one person was injured there. The chief of police in the US capital, Robert Contee, said in a press conference on Wednesday that it was “a civilian”, no further details are known.

Contee said that after Trump appeared in front of his supporters Wednesday at lunchtime, “a huge crowd” made their way to the Capitol. The protesters broke through the barricades and entered the Capitol grounds. The protesters’ behavior towards the police was “violent”.

“It was clear that the crowd intended to harm our officers by using chemical irritants on the police force to force them into the United States Capitol,” Contee said. He referred to the imposed night curfew, which was in effect from 6 pm (local time / 0.00 CET) until 6 am the following morning. Whoever does not do so runs the risk of being arrested.

Contee stressed that the protests were not peaceful, but rather “illegal seditious behavior” on the part of the protesters. Those responsible would have to be held accountable. Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser said police had been dispatched from neighboring Maryland and Virginia. New Jersey police forces would also support the police in the capital.
