Warning day / Munich: citizens wonder about a special case: posted a sarcastic tweet


On September 10 at 11 am the time had come: on the first day of the national alert, tests were carried out for emergencies. There was a significant difference for the citizens of Munich.

  • For the first time, a national alert day took place on 10 September.
  • In Munich, too, it started promptly at 11am, with a significant difference compared to the rest of Germany.
  • The fact that everything was not working was evident from various reactions on the Internet.

Update September 10, 2:02 pm: At German Association of the Deaf take the warning day discussion on it (in some places missing) Sirenengeheul with humor. “Well, we haven’t heard anything,” was the association’s dry Twitter summary.

Update September 10, 12:13 pm: The first nationwide test alarm on Thursday is NINA warning app with many users, contrary to expectations, it remained silent. The announced for 11 am Warning message Initially it did not appear, as some users announced on Twitter.

“We know that it partially worked,” said a spokeswoman for the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (BBK) in Bonn. In part, however, it is a overburden of the modular alert system. An angry Twitter user said: “No push notifications, no sirens. All safe. The warning day runs as reliably as that of Bavaria Corona tests in Bavaria “.

Munich warning day: citizens angry that they do not hear the sirens

Update September 10, 11:17 am: In Twitter find some outraged Reactions to the Warning day in Munich. Obviously, many users did not realize that the state capital did not use a certain product. “Do you hear sirens these days? So there is nothing with me, ”said a woman from Munich. It was “currently you can only hear one lawnmower,” she says in a similar message.

The city is repeatedly criticized for the allegedly incorrect information policy. However, among other things, she had the. fire brigade It was pointed out several times that no sirens will sound in Munich today (see 7.37am update).

Munich warning day: Twitter user jokes: “But he winced when KATWARN hummed”

Another user reacts quite ironic to that “Threat scenario”. Then “she winced briefly when KATWARN started growling at 11:01 am,” her tweet can read.

Update September 10, 11 am: Now is the time; the information service KATWARN has for Munich unchained. In the attached text it is indicated by way of explanation: “Test alarm to test KATWARN. There are none Dangerous situation In front! With this test warning, the functions of KATWARN and the smooth delivery of warning messages are checked ”. The info service “warning” remains valid until 11:22 am.

Warning day! The Munich fire brigade finds a dry explanation for an important detail: “There is no siren alarm, because here …”

Update September 10, 7:37 am: Today, Thursday (September 10) the first day of alert nationwide instead of. Around 11 clock should start. Which are the Munich You can read an overview in the article below.

He too fire brigade provides information on exercise for an emergency, through Twitter. The emergency services explain with great charm why the sirens will not sound today in the metropolis of Isar: “Because there are no more sirens in Munich.”

First report of September 9:

Munich – On time at 11 o’clock should start this Thursday (September 10): at first day of alert nationwide will be the emergency practiced – with sirens and loudspeaker announcements. too in the Bavarian capital Munich should Citizen Be prepared for the warning agent test. Clamorous Mermaids however, it will not be there.

Munich – Nationwide Warning Day 10 September 2020 – This is planned in the Bavarian capital

A.M day of joint action of the federal and state governments if he proven technical warning infrastructure become. “In Bavaria * se Siren heating system tasted and fired a one minute howl. The howl is supposed to hit the population when it is severe. Public Safety Risks have them turn on their radios and listen to the announcements. In addition to the siren signal, there will also be others, if any. Warning means, as Notify-Applications, tested, ”says the explanation on the website of the Munich volunteer fire department.

An important addition adds the fire brigade also: for them Munich, capital of Bavaria It is without warning with sirens give. “Pay attention to Munich instead, to messages in the Warn-App Katwarn. In Munich there are also Speaker Vehicles, which are also available as an alternative to Siren heating it can be used, ”he continues.

Munich: alarm in the form of KATWARN announcements and messages on the first warning day in 2020

I need to be worried Munich on September 10, of course, if the Alarm in the form of announcements and messages. in Warning apps like NINA (Federal emergency news and information app) or KATWARN warning app follow. The measure is only one Testing of sirens and other existing warning systems. The first takes place Warning day in Germany by the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Assistance in Disaster Cases (BBK).

In Munich is one in the nationwide uniform test alarm prepared. “Thursday at 11 o’clock it rings in the box or in the pocket of the pants or on the desk… but only if the KATWARN warning application is installed on the mobile phone. Because on September 10, 2020 the first day of alert nationwide instead, “writes the Munich professional fire brigade for example on Twitter.

Alert day 2020 in Munich: warnings for citizens also on television and radio

the GWG Städtische Wohnungsgesellschaft München mbH – one of the largest real estate companies in the Munich area – for example, it has the Warning notice also for everyone Tenant Posted online. “Dear tenants, on Thursday, September 10, the first will take place at 11 am national warning day and it will take place annually on the second Thursday in September thereafter, ”it says on the GWG website.

Alarming news could he Munich By the way, probably too via TV and radio Reach. Radio and television stations should interrupt their current programs as a warning. watch television can the warning can also be displayed.

Everything is supposed to be over 11.20 a. M. be – then it will be Sign for everything to be clear dice. At national warning day should people be in Munich get used to it anyway.

“Of the Nationwide Warning Day must be annually starting this year every second Thursday in September take place ”, you can read on the home page of the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, for Sport and Integration. Reference is made to the official website of the national alert day. (Not)

You can always read more news from Munich here.
