Waiting for Nevada: what the result still depends on


Washington, Düsseldorf In a true election thriller, Joe Biden is close to the finish line, but the race is not yet decided. After his win in Michigan and Wisconsin on Wednesday night, only the votes of a few voters separate the Democratic presidential candidate from entering the White House, at least according to the expectations of the AP and Fox.

You see Biden ahead in Arizona, which means the Democratic nominee would only have to win one more of the open states. Yet for other major American media outlets like CNN, the race for Arizona remains open, even if the Democrat leads there with nearly 44,000 votes. That would be a bit more for Biden.

Biden is closer to victory in the head-to-head race in the US presidential election. In the particularly important state of Pennsylvania (20 constituencies), he made good ground on Republican President Donald Trump on Friday and finally took the lead there on Friday afternoon.

And Biden also beat Trump in Georgia (16 voters). This in turn approached Biden in Arizona (11 voters). By most counts, Biden has 253 safe voters and Trump 214. It takes 270 to win.

By Friday night (local time), Biden’s campaign team has announced that their candidate will once again address the nation. So far, Biden has appeared in public twice after the polls closed.

Donald Trump led in Pennsylvania on Friday with around 18,000 votes, in the afternoon Joe Biden surpassed the president of the United States with more than 13,000 votes. With each new report from the county, Biden is getting closer, and with him, the White House is also within his grasp.

If the Democrat wins here, all other federal states are irrelevant to the presidency. Some votes that have arrived in the mail have yet to be counted. The last hours show that Biden was able to unite the vast majority of them.

Waiting for Nevada

In the state of Nevada, which could decide the US presidential election, Biden was just under 12,000 votes ahead of Trump on Friday morning. According to the latest count, there are already more than 20,000 on Friday night in German time. Here there are still around 150,000 votes to be counted.

The authorities had already indicated on Wednesday (local time) that the voting ballots mailed on time and arriving late in the afternoon of November 10 were still valid. Updates on the status of the race should be available every day at 9 am local time (6 pm CET).

Census in Arizona

For the AP and Fox, one thing is clear: Joe Biden wins the votes of the Arizona electorate. CNN and ABC, for example, are not sure yet and have not yet made a definitive forecast. Results for some counties are currently pending.

The AP and Fox decision speaks strongly in favor of Biden, because these forecasts (“calls”) are only made when election experts see no more possibilities for the opponent. But even that is no guarantee for Biden and the Democrats. On Friday night, Biden still had a lead of more than 43,000 votes.

Georgia delivery

Many Republicans expected Georgia and Pennsylvania to win, even the day after the election. But the current development in Georgia puts the Trump team in need: The incumbent president’s leadership is gone, Biden has taken the lead, even if there are only about 2,000 votes Friday night.

According to data provider Edison Research, 4,169 votes should be counted. The Georgian minister responsible for elections says he expects a recount because the gap between the candidates is so small.

Wisconsin is probably counting

According to forecasts, Joe Biden has earned the status very tight for him. Since the benefit is less than one percentage point, a count can be requested. Trump’s team announced they want to do it. Four years ago Trump won Wisconsin in the Midwest.

Sure in North Carolina and Alaska

In the East Coast state, Trump was ahead with more than 76,000 votes, which Biden could hardly match. Special feature: In North Carolina, mail-in votes are still counted, received by November 12, nine days after Election Day. A result was no longer expected on Friday.

Alaska, where there were no results, is considered a safe bank for Trump. So far, the president has received about two-thirds of the votes.

Trump is furious and files lawsuits

If the incumbent does lose, hardly anyone expects an admission of defeat. The president announced that he would defend himself against defeat with a series of trials up to the Supreme Court. Trump’s campaign team has already filed lawsuits in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Georgia. These lawsuits were dismissed by judges in their respective states.

Trump’s team legal director Matt Morgan said Friday: “This election is not over.” Biden’s predictions of election victories in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada and Arizona were based on results that are far from complete. “As soon as the election is over, President Trump will be re-elected,” Morgan said optimistically. Lawsuits have been filed in some states.

In a speech late Thursday night (local time), Trump once again complained about widespread fraud, attacked poll workers and spoke of “horror stories” about violations, especially in mail ballots. Therefore, he continues to see himself as a legitimate winner in various states, even though the count is still ongoing. “If the legal votes count, I win easily,” Trump said. “If illegal votes count, they can try to steal our vote.”

Anger Press Conference: Trump Talks About “Illegal Votes”

He has not yet produced any evidence to support his claims. Furthermore, there was no evidence of this: election observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe said they “could not find any evidence of systemic problems.”

Trump also criticized the fact that, to his detriment, the poll results were knowingly released before the election. In fact, many polls saw challenger Joe Biden much better than previous results.

Demonstrations for Donald Trump

Dozens of protesters stood in solidarity with Trump on the streets. “Stop the count!” And “Stop the voting!” His supporters shouted in Detroit, Michigan. The police prevented them from entering an area where votes were counted. Angry protesters were also seen in Phoenix, Arizona, yelling, “Stop the robbery!”

Supporters of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, during a demonstration in front of the State Farm Arena, where a vote count is taking place.

Dozens of protesters stood in solidarity with Trump on the streets.

(Photo: dpa)

But there were also protests from the other political side: in New York City and Seattle, for example, thousands of people took to the streets to demand that all votes cast be counted.

Now there is also massive criticism of Trump’s appearance in his own party. Several prominent Republicans urged obedience to democratic rules. “There is no justification for the president’s comments tonight that undermine our democratic process,” Republican Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan wrote on Twitter.

Facebook has banned the group “Stop the Steal”

Facebook has a large group whose members asked for a countdown to stop following the US elections. “In keeping with the extraordinary measures we are taking during this time of greatest tension, we have eliminated the ‘Stop the Steal’ group,” Facebook announced Thursday. “The group organized around the delegitimization of the electoral process and we saw worrying calls for violence from some members of the group.” On Thursday, Facebook also removed the #stopthesteal keyword.

More about the subject:

With AP and dpa material
