Visor or face mask – this really protects against the virus


More and more people are wearing plastic visors instead of an everyday mask to protect themselves from corona infection. The latest models only cover the mouth. But how safe is that?

American scientists from Florida Atlantic University compared the protective function of goggles, also known as face shields, and compared different types of masks. They proved it with a video investigation. How the study was conducted and what is the result can be seen in the video or above here.

Study: face visor vs. Mask: which one protects the best?

Using laser light, they followed the movement of the artificially produced drops in a dark room on a wrist that was used to simulate sneezing and coughing.

Recorded effect: Researchers compared masks to face shields in terms of their protective function.  (Source: dpa College of Engineering and Computer Science / Florida Atlantic University)Recorded effect: Researchers compared masks to face shields in terms of their protective function.

The result: visors block forward ejection. However, the released aerosols migrate around the visor and spread relatively far into the room. It is similar for valve masks. There, the unfiltered air is expelled through the valve openings and is also distributed. According to scientists, valve masks filter the inhaled air, but not the air that comes out.

Conventional fabric masks do not offer 100% protection, but they do allow fewer drops. Therefore, American researchers recommend avoiding the use of visors and valve masks despite the increased comfort. The researchers report their results in the journal “Physics of Fluids.”

The RKI also continues to view scopes with skepticism

The study confirms the assessment of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Consequently, plastic visors are not considered an equivalent alternative to the mouth and nose cap, because they normally only catch the drops that fall directly on the glass.

On the other hand, a textile mask, as long as it fits well, can also prevent droplets from flowing down the sides and slow down breathing, according to the institute’s website. In many federal states, visors are generally not recognized as mouth and nose covers.

Novelty Mouth Visors – More of a Joke Than a Mask Replacement?

Half face visors are advertised as an alternative to protective masks in online retail. However, the effectiveness of such mouth covers seems extremely questionable.

Mouth visor: It is fixed behind the ears with two straps.  (Source: Amazon Screenshot)Mouth visor: It is fixed behind the ears with two straps. (Source: Amazon Screenshot)

Because the mouth visors only cover the mouth area with a plastic disk and do not close properly on the sides or on the nose.

Droplets of saliva and especially aerosols (small exhaled particles) can simply be inhaled and exhaled past the visor and thus distributed throughout the room. Therefore, experts strongly advise against this type of covering your mouth and nose.

Important note: In no case is the information a substitute for professional advice or treatment by trained and recognized doctors. The content on cannot and should not be used to make independent diagnoses or to initiate treatment.
