Virologist Brinkmann, Corona: “This race was long lost. Everything else comes from an illusion “


Germany Virologin Melanie Brinkmann

“This race was lost a long time ago. Everything else comes from an illusion “

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Can Germany be vaccinated quickly enough to stop the spread of virus mutations? For virologist Melanie Brinkmann one thing is for sure: we lost this fight a long time ago.

reGerman virologist Melanie Brinkmann already sees Germany in the fight against corona virus mutations in a losing position. “We never get enough people vaccinated before mutants attack,” Brinkmann said in an interview with “Spiegel.” “This race was lost a long time ago. Everything else comes from illusions, fueled by false promises made by some politicians. Brinkmann is a virologist at TU Braunschweig. Most recently, he was a member of the scientific advisory staff to Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Prime Minister.

Despite the German government’s vaccination campaign, Brinkmann sees little chance of controlling the mutations. “The vaccine is there and production is underway, but it will take time for everyone to get it. Vaccination will only free us from the pandemic when it subsides around the world. “The virologist is sure:” Corona will keep us busy in 2022, probably beyond. ”

For Brinkmann it is clear that it will only be a matter of weeks before the mutations are established in Germany: “The mutant of Great Britain and others will invade us, the virus has received a rocket boost. It is about: Can we delay the triumphant advance of the variants, buy time? “

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Brinkmann is considered to be a representative of a very hard line in the fight against the pandemic, the so-called non-Covid strategy. To do this he announced again: “We, a group of 13 scientists, do not believe in the strategy that you can live with the virus, but that you have to defeat it.” And also: “It would be fatal to believe that we could do it Loosen the measures with an incidence of just under 50 while keeping the virus under control.” The numbers would rise again immediately, according to the scientist. “Such a medium incidence ultimately means a kind of permanent blockage, from which you can only emerge briefly and gasp for air.”

Politicians had already reacted too late in the fall, according to Brinkmann, and are now doing the same with a view to mutated variants. “We all want to get out of this bloody lockdown, but the Chancellor announced on Tuesday that the advocacy of the 1950s should continue to serve as a guide. We have no chance with this course. “

Brinkmann’s strategy in fighting the virus looks like this: “A contact avoidance strategy implemented consistently. In this way, the incidence of seven days could be quickly reduced to less than ten. ” Health authorities could “really trace the chains of infection again, and we would all get our lives back,” Brinkmann said. “At least a life similar to that of the summer of 2020. This larifari of ‘A Little Home Office Here, An Improvised Hygiene Concept There’ must end.
