Virologist affirms: Corona comes from a military laboratory: study causes problems


The federal government supports the development of the corona vaccine with a million dollar program

The federal government guarantees German pharmaceutical companies millions of euros in support of the development of the corona vaccine. The special program includes up to 750 million euros. BioNTech, CureVac and IDT Biologika will be funded.

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There are many rumors about the origin of the coronavirus. A Chinese virologist is now receiving criticism with a new laboratory theory.


  • Chinese researcher thinks she can prove Corona came from a military laboratory
  • But the study is causing criticism around the world: US scientists contradict the work and do not consider the article to be credible
  • The document not only criticizes the quality of the work, but also the fact that it was published by the “Rule of Law Society”.

Is it possible that the new coronavirus, which has killed more than 940,000 people worldwide since the outbreak, is not coming from an animal market in Wuhan, China, but from one? Military laboratories? Chinese virologist Li-Meng Yan had this in a recently published scientific paper. at least he affirmed.

However, several scientists now contradict the work. The US magazine “Newsweek” asked several independent scientists to review the alleged evidence. They conclude that the information provided by Dr. Li-Meng Yan, who fled Hong Kong to the United States in April, is wrong.

Corona origin: study without credibility

“The interpretations made are not supported by data, they are unfounded,” says British researcher Andrew Preston. He concludes: “No credibility can be attributed to this preprint in its current form.”

The controversial article was published last Sunday by several researchers working with Yan at “Zenodo,” an online storage service for scientific data sets and uploaded posts. It is made up of two parts. The first part deals with the structure of the virus and the second part with the “probable route” of creation.

Laboratory coronavirus? Alleged evidence not yet verified

Until now, however, it has been one of the so-called Prepress. Media: The professional world, in the form of independent scientists, the working paper entitled “Unusual characteristics of the SARS-CoV-2 genome indicate a refined lab modification towards – instead of towards natural development “still evaluate and check.

  • In the 26-page article, the researchers write, among other things, that alternative theories about the origin of the new coronavirus are “strictly censored.”
  • However, Sars-CoV-2 shows biological characteristics that are incompatible with a wild-type zoonotic virus.
  • Zoonotic viruses are those that are transmitted from animals to humans.
  • More about this:
    How the coronavirus affected humans – bat in focus

Corona: the point of division in the virus is supposed to test production in the laboratory

His scientific publication presented genomic, structural and medical evidence supporting the popular theory of a of natural origin contradict the virus, said Li-Meng Yan, who previously worked as a researcher at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) on infectious diseases.

Instead, their research would suggest that Sars-CoV-2 is a laboratory product that has been made with the help of the “bat coronaviruses ZC45 and / or ZXC21.” This indicates, among other things, that it has a so-called cleavage point, which is lacking in the type of coronavirus that occurs in nature.

The process by which the new coronavirus is said to have been manufactured in the laboratory is also straightforward and only takes “about six months.”

Its publication underscores the urgency of “independent research in relevant laboratories,” the scientists continue. Since previously published data sets would support the theory of the natural origin of the virus, this would also have to be critically reviewed become.

The editor of the newspaper also stands out

The newspaper criticizes not only the quality of the work, but also the fact that it was published by the “Rule of Law Society”, a sister company of the “Rule of Law Foundation” operated by former US presidential adviser Steve, who was charged of fraud. Bannon was founded.

According to a report by ZDF, the “Rule of Law Society” belongs to exiled Chinese businessman Guo Wengui, who also runs various news websites. Guo Wengui is said to be critical of China, but does not shy away from misinformation.

The websites are assigned to the spectrum of the far right in the US Guo himself was in close contact with Steve Bannon. When he was briefly arrested on fraud charges, he was on Guo’s yacht. (elik / fmg)
