Violent dispute over German holidays: Corona summit on the brink – video change interrupted for four hours – politics


This has never happened before at any Corona summit. After three hours of awkward negotiations for her, Chancellor Angela Merkel became too colorful, according to information from Tagesspiegel. Rather than toughen up due to the rising third wave, several federal states strongly insisted on relaxing the holidays.

The Chancellor considered this to be a completely incorrect signal, as he had previously encountered resistance with the desire for nationwide curfews if the incidence of 100 was exceeded.

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Corona’s summit at the Chancellery was interrupted around 6:30 pm at his request. Actually only for 15 minutes, that was how it was initially planned.

According to information from the Tagesspiegel, many phone calls were made separately during the four-hour break. Above all, Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz tried to convey information from his side of the SPD, according to Tagesspiegel, it is considered that he always finds a solution to save face.

Everything was caused by the dispute over low-contact vacations in the country, in vacation homes or mobile homes only for citizens of the respective federal state..

The breakthrough was jointly carried out by the prime ministers of Schleswig-Holstein, Daniel Günther (CDU), Lower Saxony, Stephan Weil (SPD) and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Manuela Schwesig (SPD). The head of government of Saxony-Anhalt, Reiner Haseloff (CDU) and the Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, Malu Dreyer (SPD), support this: “We simply defend our citizens,” said a state chancellery.

Dispute over motorhome holidays

After the federal government initially explained for a long time why, due to the low incidence, the return travel rules for Mallorca vacationers with mandatory testing and quarantine could not be more stringent and airlines should at least ensure that return travelers are screened at the airport. In mallorca, The three northern countries insisted on a note in the minutesin which they wanted to record their special trajectory. Supporting his citizens, Schwesig also wants to be re-elected in the state elections in September.

And in coastal countries the incidences are still below 100. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) categorically rejected it.

If they did, then he could just let it be, said the Chancellor, as the country circles called him. Ultimately, the dispute over camping holidays is symptomatic of the difficult crisis management, while other countries are moving faster and faster with vaccination.

Friedrich Merz also speaks

And as if this dispute weren’t enough, Friedrich Merz from the Sauerland also spoke late in the evening, who is applying there for a Bundestag seat. He called on North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister and CDU leader Armin Laschet to take the “holiday course” and oppose Merkel.
