The AfD parliamentary group in the Bundestag fired its former press spokesman Christian Lüth after reports of inhumane comments about migrants in a television documentary. The group’s leader, Alexander Gauland, announced the termination without notice at the parliamentary group meeting and had already informed Lüth personally, a spokesman for the German press agency in Berlin said on Monday. The board’s decision was unanimous. The entire parliamentary group supported the vote.
Although he never had a mandate, Lüth was long considered to be very influential in the party, also because he worked closely with Gauland. Lüth used to hang out with senior party officials at press conferences. Former AfD president Frauke Petry tried in vain to get rid of Lüth, who was a spokesperson for the party at the time. However, there was no majority on the board of directors for such a move.
The fact that Lüth now puts the chair in front of the door has to do with a documentary from the ProSieben station, with the title: “Correct. German. Radical. “It has not been officially confirmed whether the quoted official is really Lüth. The AfD member’s face, which was filmed in a meeting with a blogger in a bar, cannot be seen on the recordings.” We cannot say what it was said in the meeting that it apparently took place, “said the spokesman for the parliamentary group, Marcus Schmidt.
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The man, whose statements, according to the announcer, will be repeated from a memory record, is said to have said at the meeting: “The AfD is important; And that is schizophrenic, we discussed it for a long time with Gauland: the worse it is for Germany, the better for the AfD. ”
When asked “if you are in your (Lüths, Anm. D. Red.) It would be interesting if more migrants came, “said the latter:” Yes. Because then the AfD is better. We can still shoot everyone after. That is not a problem at all. Or gas, or whatever you want. I do not care!”
Gauland told the German Press Agency: “The statements attributed to Mr. Lüth are completely unacceptable and in no way compatible with the objectives and policies of the AfD and the AfD parliamentary group in the German Bundestag. The assertion he had with Lüth” about this Even talking about issues or even approving the statements that were attributed to Mr. Lüth is completely absurd and fictitious, “he added.
Lüth has been out since April
Gauland said in a “Spiegel” interview in late 2015, when the party was again in a better position despite the resignation of thousands of members: “Of course, we owe our resurgence primarily to the refugee crisis.”
Lüth was the first party spokesman and later press spokesman for the parliamentary group. He was released in April after accusations were made that he had called himself a “fascist” in an interview. More recently, it was being discussed for another role in the group. According to a spokesperson, he resigned from the AfD in the summer. The departure was confirmed in August. Lüth was initially unavailable for comment.
The AfD parliamentary group in the Hessian state parliament stated: “Racist and anti-Semitic statements and violent fantasies have no place in the AfD. We are very pleased that the executive committee of the Bundestag faction has acted quickly and removed Christian Lüth with immediate effect. “
“Lüth likes to provoke, and knows a lot about some of the top officials in this party,” said a former member of the AfD federal executive, who did not want his name published. “I have no words for Lüth’s statements,” commented a former colleague.
The harsh criticism came from the SPD. ) It is once again the AfD that has these people in its ranks, ”criticized the vice president of the SPD parliamentary group, Katja Mast. Lüth’s statement “appalling, inhumane and openly radical on the right.” “This is poison for our country and it makes me sick.” (Tsp, dpa / AFP)