Van Laack: Armin Laschet’s son contacted his father


Germany Mask the business in criticism

Armin Laschet’s son contacted the mask makers

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Laschet-Sohn establishes contact with the fashion company Laschet-Sohn establishes contact with the fashion company

NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet and his son Johannes Laschet (right)

Source: dpa / Henning Kaiser

This is an order that generated 38.5 million euros: the fashion company van Laack delivered crown protective equipment to the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The contact was established by the son of Armin Laschet, the criticism comes from the opposition.

meThe first order from the North Rhine-Westphalia state government to the fashion company van Laack for protective equipment in the corona pandemic had a volume of 38.5 million euros excluding VAT in April. This arises from a publication in the Official Journal of the EU. Two warrants for the state police were later added, each for 1.25 million cloth masks. At first nothing was known about the value of this contract.

The April agreement piqued the interest of the opposition after it emerged that the son of Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) had made contact with van Laack.

Johannes “Joe” Laschet is a fashion blogger and has been in the van Laack business for years. The “Rheinische Post” had quoted the owner of the company, Christian von Daniels, as saying: “I told Joe that he could give his father my number if the country needs help with the purchase of masks.”

Prime Minister Laschet actually called on a Sunday night, and they did business with the country: “I still remember that a James Bond movie was on TV when Mr. Laschet called Sunday night and said, they’re opening. doors one. Two days later, his employees were sitting with us in the conference room and took a look at our masks and gowns. “

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The SPD parliamentary group submitted a small request to the state parliament for details of the deal. The spokesman for financial policy of the parliamentary group, Stefan Zimkeit, told the newspaper “Bild”: “There are no telephone orders worth almost 40 million euros on Sunday nights. You have to rule out that personal relationships played a role here ”. Armin Laschet must clarify the matter completely.

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The State Chancellery said Monday that there were hardly any protective clothing and masks at the beginning of the pandemic. The prime minister and other members of the government personally followed up on companies that could be considered for production.

In the Official Gazette, the award of the contract to van Laack without prior tender was justified with a legal exception: an unforeseen event makes it possible under EU law.
