Vaccine reporting system: federal states refuse to use it


economy Transmission to RKI

The truth behind the failure of the Thuringian vaccination is even more absurd than expected

| Reading time: 4 minutes

The vaccination dispute turns into a mud battle between the SPD and the CDU

There are complaints about the slow start of vaccination. SPD Vice Chancellor Scholz sent a questionnaire about vaccines to the Foreign Ministry. The CDU is outraged by the coalition partner.

The Robert Koch Institute is supposed to provide an overview of vaccination progress and has developed a reporting system for this. But, as is now known, most federal states refuse to use it and send their data by email. They fear losing control.

TBesides Saxony, hüringen currently reports the highest corona incidence figures, and here of all places, many vaccination centers appear to have not yet started their work. At the beginning of the week, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) showed only 810 vaccines in Thuringia in its daily updated vaccination statistics. In contrast, Saxony-Anhalt, which has a comparably large population, has already reported almost 13,400 vaccinations.

When asked, Thuringian Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (left) spoke personally via Twitter: the RKI numbers were incorrect; in fact, Thuringia was also vaccinated at the weekend and reached at least 1711 Vaccinations. Therefore, Thuringia would still be far behind comparable territorial states. Why can’t those responsible in the country report their numbers?

“There is a problem with the connection to the reporting system, because the safety certificates have yet to be installed in hospitals,” says a spokeswoman for the Thuringian Ministry of Health on request. So a simple IT problem?

This is how different vaccines work

Several coronavirus vaccines are already in use around the world. However, these differ in their efficacy and administration. An overview.

When asked by the RKI, a spokeswoman for the institute explained by email that the reporting system for the so-called “control of the vaccination rate” had been working correctly since December 27, there were no security problems. However, not all federal states or vaccination centers have yet registered in the system.

A paragraph later, he writes: “Some countries are waiting for more technical specifications of the system, which should be available soon.” Therefore, vaccination data is currently only available at the state level, according to the RKI. A more detailed visualization is not yet possible, for example by cities and districts where a particularly large number of people are ill.

That doesn’t sound like “finished and flawless”. In particular, countries that have not yet wanted to use the system still seem to have objections. Call to the Robert Koch Institute: How many countries are already using the system? “At least one,” explains RKI spokeswoman Susanne Glasmacher. And the other 15? “So far, they have reported their vaccination rates by email in consultation with us.”

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So far, 15 countries have been so dissatisfied with the solution that they prefer to collect data from the vaccination centers themselves and write emails. This means that those responsible would have to redo the job twice later, explains Glasmacher: “After fully logging into the system, all federal states have to re-register the vaccines carried out so far.”

If the system works, it should provide detailed data on the status of corona vaccines in Germany. In principle, the RKI collects data from individual vaccination centers through an online portal operated by the Bundesdruckerei. The data is transmitted from there to the institute several times a day.

All data that is released before 8:00 a.m. the next day is included in the daily statistics, which are currently released once a day at noon. These daily statistics are relatively extensive: they show why people in the first group are preferred to be vaccinated, whether they work in health care or care for the elderly, or if they belong to risk groups. Reporting all of this twice seems like a lot of work.

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Germany is also in the second lock because contact tracing was partially abandoned weeks ago.

The RKI does not want to reveal why the federal states are so unhappy with the system that they currently prefer to collect data, write emails, and rework it later. “That is still a stopgap solution. But such a system is never immediately terminated. But the federal states still have certain expectations. “

The federal state ministries of health are also initially quiet when asked by WELT. But then a ministry employee speaks: it is feared that there will not be enough control over the vaccination process if the vaccination centers report their data directly to the RKI.

This is why you want to make sure you get information on the raw data sets before leaving the report to the vaccination centers. However, until now this has not been possible with the Bundesdruckerei software. Until you realize that, it is preferable to keep writing emails.

And there is still a reaction from Baden-Württemberg: “RKI kicked off the production start on January 6, 2021. Our system service provider has tested the interface and raised one more question about commissioning. A response from RKI is still pending. Then the system will be up and running as quickly as possible. ” So as fast as possible. Well then.
