Vaccine approval: millions are getting it, but we have to wait: national policy


The whole of Germany is wondering: When will we finally get vaccinated?

On November 10, Health Minister Jens Spahn (40, CDU) stated: “As German Health Minister, it would be difficult for me to explain whether a vaccine produced in Germany was vaccinated faster in other regions of the world than in Germany itself” .

A month later, Spahn has to explain exactly THAT. Because: the vaccine from the German manufacturer Biontech is available in more and more countries. The UK has been vaccinated for a week, America starts today. Canada, Bahrain and Israel also approved the active ingredient.

BUT: Germany and the entire EU will probably have to wait until early January!


► The federal government relies on the EU approval process. But that is cumbersome and time consuming. “But it is not more comprehensive,” said SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach (57) on BILD Live.

► Spahn could have sped up the approval process in Germany: through the “Safety Ordinance for Medical Needs”, without breaking the EU procedure with this solo effort. Because: all Biontech data has long been checked by experts from the EU and the responsible German Paul Ehrlich Institute.

In the EU approval authority EMA, the data is only evaluated once – an additional cycle. Germany wanted to be considerate and not alienate other EU states, it was said to justify in the federal government. That is why EU approval is expected no later than December 29.

According to economics professor Paul Welfens (University of Wuppertal), these delays cost more than 20,000 lives! SPD Lauterbach also believes that the long test phase costs life. “And that’s because we can already use the vaccine to vaccinate care facilities and thus protect people,” Lauterbach said on BILD Live. “The safety of the vaccine can no longer be questioned.”

Spahn himself admitted yesterday at the Corona summit with the chancellor and the country’s leaders: “Germany would have been significantly faster in a single national approval process.”

He admitted to the group and later on Twitter: “The first doses of the vaccine are almost ready. Every day that we start getting vaccinated earlier will reduce suffering. ” It is also about citizens’ confidence in the EU’s ability to act.

Spahn hopes the vaccination process will take longer. Reason: Sanofi / GlaxoSmithKline manufacturers have approval problems, the 56 million doses of vaccines ordered for Germany (for 28 million people) will not arrive before the end of 2021.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (53, CSU) is also pressing: “I hope the vaccine will arrive as soon as possible,” Söder told BILD Live last night. He assures: “The vaccination logistics are ready!”

Now the approval is missing, but there is still a long time …
