Vaccinations can probably start in December – politics


The first vaccinations against the coronavirus can begin in Germany in mid-December. This is what the federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn (CDU) announced. In fact, according to SZ research, almost all federal states see themselves in a position to do so. A start of vaccination from mid-December is considered realistic, it was said from Munich, Wiesbaden and Stuttgart, among others. Most countries already have detailed implementation plans. Vaccines are also increasingly likely to be available at this time as well. Since the Mainz company Biontech and soon after the American company Moderna presented the first efficacy data from the final phase of testing of their vaccines two weeks ago, the cooperation between the University of Oxford and Astra Zeneca continued on Monday.

“We can expect a first approval in December,” Spahn said on Monday after a visit to the IDT Biologika vaccine manufacturer in Dessau. The federal and state governments work closely together and agree that they must be prepared for this: “It would be difficult for us to explain to the Germans that although there is a vaccine, we do not yet have the infrastructure.” According to the Ministry of Health, the federal states have already named their vaccine delivery centers. The vaccination doses would be distributed by the federal government according to the usual population code.

It is a preventive program that Germany has never seen before. According to experts, two thirds of the population should be vaccinated to achieve comprehensive protection for the entire population. But countries see themselves well positioned. “Yes, we can do it,” said Christian Bernreiter (CSU), president of the Bavarian District Association. As in most large Bavarian states, at least one vaccination center should be available in all districts and urban districts by December 15th. In Bavaria alone dozens of freezers, 13 million syringes and 58 million needles have been ordered, and other countries have similar order lists.

Medical personnel are already being mobilized. In Bavaria, 2,400 doctors have already enrolled in the Association of Health Insurance Physicians (KV); in Baden-Württemberg, KV and the university hospitals should provide sufficient personnel.

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Still, the project will take months. In 30 vaccination centers, 1,000 people must be vaccinated every day of the week from 7 am to 10 pm, said Hessian Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (CDU). If everything works, the desired herd immunity can be achieved in eight to nine months.

On Wednesday, the prime ministers and the foreign ministry want to discuss more measures against the pandemic. It is clear that the November restrictions will continue and, in some cases, will be tightened. Government spokesman Steffen Seibert on Monday called the number of new infections “too high.” Coordination between the federal and state governments for Wednesday’s talks took place “in a good and constructive environment.”

In fact, the position papers of the Union and the countries led by the SPD differ only on some points. Unlike the SPD, the Union does not want to ban New Year’s Eve fireworks, it only asks citizens to ignore them. In addition, according to the Union, municipalities should be able to withdraw measures with an incidence value of 50, the SPD wants to remain strict up to 35.
