Vaccination begins in Baden-Württemberg on Sunday – SWR news


Eleven months after the first corona infection was known in Germany, the vaccination campaign begins today. The first syringe in Baden-Württemberg is placed in the presence of Prime Minister Kretschmann.

One day before the start of corona vaccination in Germany, the first doses of vaccine were sent to Baden-Württemberg. It is on its way, a spokesman for the Baden-Württemberg Health Ministry said on Saturday. However, he did not give details at the time of delivery.

It is known from other federal states that the vaccine has already arrived. Unlike them, the vaccine in Baden-Württemberg is not distributed through a central warehouse, but is delivered directly to the ten large vaccination centers. Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann and Social Affairs Minister Manfred Lucha (both Greens) open the Central Vaccination Center in Stuttgart Liederhalle on Sunday afternoon. It will also be there when the first syringe is symbolically placed in Baden-Württemberg.

First vaccines mainly for mobile equipment

A total of ten vaccination centers will open in Baden-Württemberg on Sunday. Almost 1,000 doses of the vaccine from the Mainz-based company Biontech and the American pharmaceutical company Pfizer are available to each center. Most of it is handed over to mobile vaccination teams, which use it to vaccinate residents of nursing homes and old people’s homes.

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn spoke ahead of a “great day for Germany” and called for a “national show of force.” “We want to vaccinate so many people that the virus no longer has a chance, in Germany and in Europe,” the CDU politician said on Saturday. Every more vaccination means fewer infections and fewer deaths. “Who participates saves lives,” Spahn emphasized. “This vaccine is the fundamental key to defeating this pandemic. It is the key to recovering our lives.”

FDP chief criticizes Health Minister Spahn

The opposition, on the other hand, accused Spahn of omissions and called for more clarity for citizens. While the German-made vaccine “has been saving lives in the United States and Britain for a long time,” the whole of Europe will have to wait until Sunday, the president of the Baden-Württemberg FDP, Michael Theurer, said on Saturday. Spahn did not keep his word. First they were vaccinated abroad and “not in Germany”. Also, there is uncertainty about who will be vaccinated and when.

A cannula shortly before the puncture in the upper arm (Photo: dpa Bildfunk, picture alliance / dpa | Nicolas Armer)

Whether in hardware stores, tennis and showrooms or cultural centers, the large corona vaccination centers across the country are ready. But when do you start? And who can get vaccinated where?

As mandated by the federal government, people age 80 and older are vaccinated first, as well as nursing home staff and certain medical personnel, for example, in emergency rooms and intensive care units. According to the federal Minister of Health, Spahn, the vaccination of this first group will take at least one or two months.

Make appointments by phone or online

If you meet the criteria and would like to receive voluntary vaccination, you must register by calling 116117. Initially, this only works for the central vaccination centers (ZIZ) in Stuttgart, Rot am See (Schwäbisch Hall), Heidelberg, Mannheim and Freiburg. “Appointment assignment at vaccination centers in Tübingen, Ulm, Offenburg and Karlsruhe should also be possible shortly,” the Health Ministry said. It should be possible to register online via the website The address had been changed on short notice.

The vaccination should be done in two doses approximately three weeks apart, so you will be assigned two vaccination appointments. At the vaccination center, general information about the vaccine is provided first, followed by an individual explanation by a doctor, for example about the risks of allergies or previous illnesses. Only then does he go to vaccination. After the arm stick, you must remain there for a 30-minute observation.

The vaccination centers are open seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. According to a delivery schedule from the Mainz-based company Biontech, 87,750 doses of the corona vaccine will be delivered to Baden-Württemberg per week from late from December. The delivery amount depends on the number of residents of the state.

More vaccination centers to start in January

Around 50 more vaccination centers will open in the country in mid-January. Then gradually more vaccine should become available, possibly from a second manufacturer, the American pharmaceutical company Moderna.
