Vacation – Bouffier contradicts Spahn: People should go where they want! – Domestic politics


The number of corona infections in Germany is increasing and more and more regions in other European countries are declaring themselves risk zones. Fall break will begin in the first federal states in just one week.

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (40, CDU) advises against vacation travel abroad. He made it clear in several interviews.

Hessian Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (68, CDU) now contradicts him. “People should go where they want. It is also not the state’s job to tell citizens where to go on vacation, ”said Bouffier. “”.

However, he himself would avoid risk areas and prefer to go where, according to the Robert Koch Institute, there is no increased risk of infection. Bouffier continues: “This makes life easier for those affected, but also for the community. There are beautiful areas here too. “

15 of the 27 EU countries have risk zones

The federal government only indicated more risk areas on the Corona map of Europe, already stained in red, on Friday. The Austrian state of Tyrol, as well as the entire Czech Republic and Luxembourg were declared risk zones. The government is reacting to the increasing number of infections in our neighboring countries.

This means that 15 of the 27 EU countries are at least partially corona risk areas: Spain, the Czech Republic and Luxembourg even completely. Poland is the only one of our nine neighboring countries that has not yet been affected.

Current Corona Risk Areas in Europe - Infographic
