Utah: the mysterious metal monolith has already disappeared again


A mysterious metal pillar that caused much speculation after its discovery in a desert in the US state of Utah has apparently disappeared again. The Utah Lands Administration said Saturday that a “credible report” said the monolith was removed by strangers Friday night.

Authorities emphasized that they did not remove the column as “private property.” According to its own information, the Bureau of Land Management is not responsible for the investigations. He referred to the local police department.

The 12-foot-tall metal column was accidentally discovered from the air last week amid red rocks in southern Utah during a sheep count. The discovery led to various speculations on the internet about the origin and meaning of the object, from the work of aliens to fans of science fiction movies to a reset button for the year Corona 2020.

Some observers suspected that the column could be the work of American artist John McCracken, who died in 2011 and who had lived in nearby New Mexico for some time.

US authorities had not disclosed the exact location of the column to keep bystanders away. However, a user on the online platform Reddit was able to determine the location based on the rock formations at the bottom. Shared a Google Earth location with a small structure on it. According to the netizen, Google first photographed the column in 2016.

Icon: The mirror
