USA Election Live Ticker: +++ 02:30 Kamala Harris: “I will be the first woman in office, but not the last” +++


Half an hour after the announcement, future vice president Kamala Harris enters the stage in a white pantsuit. He thanks all who made the victory possible and especially highlights the role of women. She will be the first vice president, but not the last. And he warns: democracy cannot be taken for granted. You have to fight for it.


(Photo: REUTERS)

+++ 01:59 The world is waiting for Biden’s speech to the nation +++


(Photo: AP)

In a few minutes, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will appear before the public in Biden’s hometown of Wilmington, Delaware. Democrats have been celebrating for hours on the grounds of the Chase Center, where Biden will deliver his address to the nation. Many have gotten out of their cars and, unlike Republican events, almost everyone wears masks. The victory speech was in the drawer some time ago, but had been tweaked a few times during the week, CNN reports. Biden spent most of the day at home with his family today.

+++ 01:15 American stars celebrate Biden’s victory +++
Many American stars have directly or indirectly assisted Joe Biden in the election campaign. Lady Gaga, for example, endorsed Trump’s challenger at a joint appearance in Pennsylvania. Now he’s cheering on Twitter: “Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the American people: You just gave the world one of the greatest acts of kindness and courage humanity has ever seen.”

Pop legend Cher released a slew of tweets after multiple US broadcasters declared Biden president-elect. “OMG he did it, she did it, she did it,” Cher wrote. “This is a dream come true,” he later tweeted, “America is part of the world again.”

And the “Star Trek” legend George Takei? Tweet your sore fingers for hours and pop the champagne to celebrate the day.

+++ 00:36 Schäuble: “It’s as it is, and now it’s over.” +++
Donald Trump continues to defiantly tweet about alleged election fraud. Who can tell you that you have lost the elections? The president of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble, sees the friends of the president’s party as an obligation. In principle, there is the right of legal review, but at some point you have to accept your defeat, says the CDU politician from “Bild am Sonntag”. Until now, everyone has accepted it. “I hope Donald Trump takes it too. And if he doesn’t, there must be enough Republicans to tell him, ‘It’s the way it is, and now it’s over.’

+++ 00:02 The president of Iraq waits for Biden +++
Iraqi President Barham Saleh joins the long list of Joe Biden supporters. Saleh writes on Twitter in Arabic and English that Biden is a “trusted friend and partner in building a better Iraq.” “We look forward to working to achieve our common goals and to strengthen peace and stability in the Middle East,” Saleh continued. The Trump administration recently announced that it would withdraw several thousand of its soldiers from Iraq. IS cells are still active in the country.

+++ 23:29 Trump’s Twitter break is over +++
He kept his hands off his smartphone for five hours and now Trump is tweeting again. What does it have to say? Nothing new. He won the elections with 71,000,000 “legal” votes. “Bad things happened that our observers couldn’t see.” The elected incumbent continues to owe proof of the alleged electoral fraud. To do this you are now writing in capital letters. Twitter has provided the message with a warning.

+++ 11:14 pm New York dances +++
On the streets of New York, people cheerfully celebrate Joe Biden’s victory. You can see the relief. In Donald Trump’s hometown, the Democrat won 58 percent of the vote.

+++ 10:37 pm A little consolation: Trump wins a mini victory in Maine +++
A small consolation, nothing more: according to CNN’s forecast, one of the four Maine voters will go to Trump; there is still an open vote. The joy in the White House should be limited.

+++ 22:14 Trump spokeswoman worries about crown risk in victory celebrations +++
Is that a special and unintentionally strange kind of humor? Trump’s spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany is concerned on Twitter that the Biden supporters’ victory celebrations could be super crown spreader events, which of course she’s basically right. We must remember, however, the events of his boss’s election campaign, where he was not so far away and his mouth and nose were protected.

+++ 21:56 Sanders: It doesn’t matter if Trump admits defeat +++
Biden’s Democratic opponent in the primary campaign, Bernie Sanders, also congratulates. He also describes Biden’s election as a victory for democracy. Whether or not the incumbent President Donald Trump admits defeat “is not important,” he told CNN. “Joe Biden won the election and will take office,” Sanders said. Sanders wishes Biden and Harris “the best at this incredibly difficult time in American history” in their efforts to unite the country, the left-wing senator wrote on Twitter. A “justice” program should be implemented with respect to the economy, the social, the treatment of minorities and the environment, he wrote.

+++ 21:38 enthusiastic Biden supporters welcome Trump in front of the White House +++
Donald Trump is back in the White House. What awaited him there, he should not have liked: his caravan previously passed celebrating crowds cheering for Joe Biden’s election victory. Here are some pictures:


(Photo: AP)


(Photo: REUTERS)


(Photo: REUTERS)

+++ 9:09 pm Trump’s team is still collecting donations to pay off debt +++
Trump’s team is still raising money after losing the US presidential election. Republican supporters received renewed emails asking for financial support for Trump. The letter reads: “If they are after me, they really are after you and everything you stand for. That choice is not over yet. We still have a long way to go, and I need to know that I can count on you.” In a link in the email, the user is directed to a website that says Trump is forming a “task force” to defend the election. The site suggests donations between $ 5 and $ 2,800, or whatever amount you choose. If you scroll down, you will find the information in the fine print that 60 percent of contributions flow to an account that is used to pay off campaign debts.

+++ 20:51 Trump continues to act as if nothing happened +++
And Trump? Now he’s finished playing golf and is heading to the White House. After all that can be heard, the winner of the election, Biden, has yet to be informed; probably not to be expected any time soon. Trump is still confident of victory. Quirky Detail: Before leaving his golf club in Virginia, he takes a moment to pose with a newlywed bride who is celebrating her wedding on the course. Here are the images:

+++ You can read what happened before here. +++
