US: Trump Threatens Iran with Massive Retaliation for Planned Assassination Attempt Against US Ambassador – Foreign Policy


After it emerged that Iran is allegedly planning a retaliatory attack on the US ambassador to South America, Trump is now threatening massive revenge.

On Twitter, the US president wrote that the United States would respond with a counterattack “a thousand times greater.”

Donald Trump reacts to a report in the political magazine “Politico”.

Consequently, Tehran is planning a retaliatory attack for the assassination of the head of the Quds Brigades (elite unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard) Qassem Soleimani: Diplomat Lana Marks is said to be the target of an Iranian assassination before the elections Presidential elections on November 3.

Until he was assassinated, Soleimani was considered one of the most dangerous men in the world, who initiated numerous terrorist attacks.

In May 2018, Trump announced the exit from the JCPOA nuclear deal with Iran. The deal, concluded in 2015 under his predecessor Obama, was highly controversial from the start: the mullahs’ regime promised to review its nuclear program and, in return, sanctions were relaxed. However, the regime used the financial resources that Tehran benefited from to massively expand its influence in the region and pursue a highly aggressive strategy: under Soleimani’s command, Iran-equipped Islamist groups waged war in Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen. and Syria. .
