US: Trump Signs Corona Aid Package |


For days, US President Trump refused to sign Corona’s new aid package. Now he has renounced his blocking attitude, just in time to avoid a shutdown by federal authorities.

After days of hesitation, US President Donald Trump signed a crown aid package decided by Congress with a bipartisan majority. A Trump spokesman said on Twitter.

$ 900 billion against the crisis

The package of measures has a volume of around 900 billion US dollars (around 740 billion euros). Trump initially threatened to veto the legislative package. He called the package a “disgrace” and asked for improvements. The outgoing US president justified his resistance mainly by saying that the planned special payments in the form of checks to citizens were too low.

For millions of Americans, the expiration of previous Corona aid would have been a threat to their existence: for them, the unemployment benefit linked to it ended at midnight Sunday. In addition, the lack of Trump’s signature would have meant that tenants are no longer protected to the same extent from evictions and that aid is not delivered to battered businesses.

The aid package is also tied to a $ 1.4 trillion budget bill that is expected to fund federal government operations through September. If the president of the United States had refused to sign, on Tuesday there would have been an alleged shutdown by federal authorities.

Party criticism of Trump

Trump’s backing down in the dispute over the legislative package followed urgent demands from the ranks of Democrats, but also Republicans. The two sides had settled on the Corona aid package after a hard-won compromise, including the budget bill linked to it. Last Monday, the package of measures was approved by the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Top politicians were outraged by Trump’s blocking stance. “What the president is doing right now is incredibly cruel,” Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders told ABC. “A lot of people are doing it wrong.” Republican Sen. Pat Toomey also urged Trump to sign. After that, he could still ask for more help. Maryland Republican Gov. Larry Hogan expressed frustration at the president’s unpredictability. “I’ve stopped guessing what to do next,” Hogan said.

Trump’s elected successor, Joe Biden, also urged the president to sign the draft. The incumbent is stealing responsibility, so the Biden indictment.

The new aid program complements previous measures against the economic and social consequences of the corona pandemic. In March, the United States Congress launched a gigantic economic stimulus program: At a volume of 2.2 trillion dollars, it was the largest aid package in the history of the United States. The funds were completed in April with another aid program.
