US ticker: +++ 04:22 Trump polls are worse than ever +++


+++ 04:22 Trump polls are worse than ever +++

Outgoing US President Donald Trump leaves the White House with the lowest approval ratings since taking office. According to a poll by the Gallup Polling Institute, only 34 percent of all Americans recently supported the work of their president. According to Gallup, Trump is also doing poorly compared to other U.S. presidents: With an average approval rate of 41 percent, he achieved the worst result since data collection began. According to polls, Trump’s approval ratings were at least four percentage points below those of his predecessors.

+++ 03:38 Trump has recorded a farewell speech +++
Melania Trump has already said goodbye to the Americans through a video address, probably Donald Trump will follow her throughout the day. He has reportedly already recorded his farewell message at the White House. Trump cites a series of successes that, in his opinion, make up his tenure, CNN reports, citing a government official. Trump should also refer to the new government. It is not yet clear if that means that Biden will now be recognized as the rightful president. The video is expected to be released on Tuesday.

+++ 02:15 Farewell message from Melania Trump: “Violence is never the answer” +++
Outgoing First Lady Melania Trump addressed Americans in a farewell message. “It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as the First Lady of the United States of America,” the 50-year-old said in a speech. “The last four years have been unforgettable.” Melania Trump called for caution in the face of the corona pandemic. He also asked to support the “Be Best” initiative that he had created to ensure the well-being of children. Without further context, the First Lady’s message read: “Be passionate in everything you do, but always remember that violence is never the answer and it will never be justified.”

+++ 01:38 Biden wants to stick to the entrance stop +++
The administration of the future president of the United States, Joe Biden, does not want to implement the lifting of entry bans from Europe, among others, ordered by incumbent Donald Trump. “On the advice of our medical team, the administration does not intend to lift these restrictions on January 26,” future White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said on Twitter. Shortly before, Trump had published an order according to which the entry ban for travelers from the Schengen area, Great Britain and Ireland and Brazil should no longer apply as of January 26.

+++ 00:56 Trump orders end of entry stop from Europe +++
Donald Trump has ordered the end of the ban on the entry of foreigners from much of Europe to the United States. The travel restriction will be lifted on January 26, Trump announced. As of this date, proof of a negative corona test is required for all international flights to the US prior to departure. According to information from Reuters, the entry ban for non-US citizens from Brazil should also fall.

+++ 00:46 Trump’s opponent Scaramucci received an invitation to the farewell ceremony +++
Donald Trump liked to campaign at airports and chose a military airfield with Joint Base Andrews for his farewell ceremony on Wednesday. But it seems your staff is having trouble filling the place with guests. At least that’s what Anthony Scaramucci suspects. The former White House communications director and later critic of Trump is surprised that he, of all people, had an invitation to say goodbye in his email inbox. Trump had fired Scaramucci in 2017 after ten days, in the last election campaign he supported Biden. “They are looking for people,” Scaramucci told CNN. If you have received an invitation email, it must be a bulk email. Despair is apparently great. According to CNN, so far only a few guests have announced Trump’s farewell.

+++ 23:43 The FBI has collected 200,000 digital clues about riots in the Capitol +++
The FBI has asked witnesses to send photos, videos and other information about the riots in and around the Capitol. Investigators now have a lot of material to examine: so far, the FBI headquarters in Washington has received nearly 200,000 digital notices.

+++ 22:46 Trump has to dispense with Giuliani in impeachment proceedings +++
In Trump’s first impeachment negotiation in the Senate, Rudy Giuliani was his lawyer, that will be different next time, as the former mayor of New York and Trump ally said to the portal “The Hill”. Since he may be a witness himself, “legal ethics” prohibit it, he said. Giuliani had spoken before Trump’s controversial speech to the Capitol Storm. It was recently reported that Trump and Giuliani had a dispute over payment for their services. Giulani led Trump’s team of lawyers, which was supposed to challenge the Nov. 3 election in multiple courts, but failed dozens of times.

+++ 22:07 Melania Trump also breaks with the old tradition +++
President Donald Trump not only breaks with tradition in the inauguration, his wife Melania does the same. In reality, it is common for the outgoing first lady to show her successor the private rooms of the White House on the second and third floors. As CNN reports, it won’t come to that. Joe Biden’s wife, Jill, will have to orient herself. Her husband breaks with tradition, among other things, by not attending Biden’s inauguration and by not congratulating Biden on his election victory. Instead, it spreads allegations of election fraud.

+++ 21:23 Pelosi: All traces lead to Putin +++
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi suspects that Russian President Putin has something to do with the unrest on Capitol Hill just two weeks ago. “All leads lead to Putin,” he said, according to CNN, in a podcast hosted by former Secretary of State and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (“You and I both”). “I don’t know what Putin has on his hands politically, financially or personally, but what happened last week was a gift to Putin,” he said. He referred to the rioters as “Putin puppets.” Clinton said she would like to see if Trump spoke to Putin by phone that day.

+++ 20:37 Capitol striker wanted to sell Pelosi’s laptop to Russians +++
After the assault on the United States Capitol, a young participant is said to have unsuccessfully offered the laptop of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, to the Russian secret service. This stems from a criminal complaint from the Federal Police FBI on Sunday night. In it, the authorities request the arrest of the 22-year-olds for “violent entry and disorderly conduct” into the Capitol. According to a witness, the woman wanted to send the laptop to a friend in Russia, who was supposed to sell it to the Russian foreign intelligence service SWR, according to the criminal complaint. The sale failed for unknown reasons. The woman “still owns the computer or has destroyed it,” the witness is quoted.

+++ 20:10 “Trump Fortress” should open in New York +++
Since mid-2016, the famous Trump Tower on New York’s famous Fifth Avenue has been like a fortress. Because that’s where Trump’s private apartments are. That should now change little by little. As CNN reported, barricades and other barriers are expected to open. A communications center could also be dismantled. Trump has already moved to Florida; in New York, he was extremely unpopular with his presidency.

+++ 19:44 The installation of lights must accompany the commemoration of the victims +++
A day before the inauguration of new President Joe Biden, the US will recall the around 400,000 deaths by crown in the country on Tuesday (5.30pm local time; 11.30pm CET). Among other things, a light installation is planned at the Lincoln Memorial in the heart of the capital, Washington. Cities across the country will also commemorate the dead. The United States is the country with the highest number of crown victims in the world.


(Photo: REUTERS)

+ ++ 19:07 Baby Trump balloon finds its last resting place +++

A giant balloon in the shape of a blond baby with his image should upset Trump during his visit to the UK in 2019; now he comes to the museum. Baby Trump will be preserved and displayed as a historical item after its purchase by the Museum of London. It was first used in 2018 during protests against Trump’s planned visit to the UK. According to the will of the museum management, the balloon will in the future be a reminder of the “wave of emotions” that hit the city at that time: “We hope that the place of the baby in the museum reminds us of the time when London raised against Trump. “

You can read about the previous day’s news here.
