US Supreme Court: Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died


She was probably the most famous judge in the United States and an icon of liberal America; now Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead. President Trump will now have the opportunity to appoint a judge for the third time to the Supreme Court.

American justice icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died. The oldest judge of the highest court in the United States, the Supreme Court, died at the age of 87 as a result of cancer, the Washington court announced. She died with her family.

The Supreme Court has a formative role for society and politics in the United States. The court hears highly controversial issues such as abortion, gun law, equality, and immigration. It is not uncommon for the nine judges to have the last word in disputes over laws and orders that set the course. The decisions made are often of national importance and shape the interpretation of laws in lower courts for years, sometimes decades.

Liberal America is losing an icon

Ginsburg held her position in the highly political court to the end and was considered the most prominent representative of the liberal wing. She had been briefly treated in the hospital several times that year. If the President of the United States, Donald Trump, had the opportunity to appoint a Supreme Court Justice for the third time in his term, he could influence the extremely politically important court for years.

The Republican has already been determined to try to occupy the post of judge in the last months of his current term. “I would. Absolutely. Definitely,” Trump said in a radio interview last month.

America’s Most Famous Judge

Ginsburg was nominated for the Supreme Court in 1993 by then-Democratic President Bill Clinton, possibly becoming the most famous judge. The then 60-year-old was the second woman on the court. Even as a student, she was one of the few women in a male domain. Ginsburg made a name for herself with her sharp argumentation. She was also known as a pioneer for civil and women’s rights. Her life and work is the subject of several movies and books. Many liberals celebrate her as an icon. Her face can be found in souvenirs and as graffiti on the facades of houses.

Ginsburg had to undergo radiation therapy in August 2019 due to a malignant tumor in the pancreas. The year before, he had undergone lung surgery after doctors found two malignant lumps. After several hospital stays, he announced in July 2020 that he had cancer again and was receiving chemotherapy. He did not draw consequences for his position on the Supreme Court: “I have often said that I will remain a member of the court as long as I can do the job with all my strength,” he said when the illness was announced. Appointing a judge to the Supreme Court is a big political problem.

Nomination campaign just before the presidential elections

With the appointment, the president can influence the line of the supreme court with his nine positions of judge for many years, because the judges are chosen for life. The Supreme Court is already overweight conservative. With Ginsburg’s death, this could possibly be consolidated for a long time.

Currently five judges are considered conservative; after Ginsburg’s death, three will remain in the liberal bloc. Trump appointed Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh during his tenure. Kavanaugh’s appeal was highly controversial over allegations of sexual assault in the 1980s.
