US President’s Crown Infection: Trump Wants to Get Out of Hospital


The president of the United States, Trump, wants to leave the hospital this Monday, where he was treated for Covid-19. It feels great, Trump said on Twitter. His doctors agreed, but Trump “was not completely over the top yet.”

US President Donald Trump announced his discharge from the hospital for Monday via Twitter. He announced that he would continue to recover from his coronavirus infection at the White House.

The president of the United States anticipated his doctors, who immediately appeared before the press. Trump’s personal physician, Sean Conley, confirmed that the president would be leaving the hospital on Monday. Trump’s health has continued to improve, the 74-year-old man meets all medical criteria for discharge from the clinic. The president “wasn’t completely over the top,” Conley said. In the White House there will be “world-class medical care” 24 hours a day.

“Don’t be afraid of Covid”

Trump wrote that he felt really good: “Don’t be afraid of Covid.” Under his rule “really good medicines” were created and knowledge acquired. “I feel better than 20 years ago,” the 74-year-old continued. You must not let the corona virus dominate your life.

Trump has been criticized many times for his handling of the crown crisis. So far, nearly 210,000 people infected with corona have died in the US and 7.4 million people have been infected. This is the highest number of infections in the world. During the electoral campaign, Trump had held several events where hygiene and distance rules were not respected.

The president announced his corona infection on Friday and was airlifted to Walter Reed Military Hospital in Bethesda north of Washington less than 24 hours later. Over the weekend there was conflicting information about his health.

Contagions in the White House

Several other infections have now occurred in and around the White House. White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany wrote on her Twitter account that a morning test was positive, but she has had no symptoms so far. The 32-year-old said she would be quarantined and would work from home.

McEnany had continued to work in the White House for the past few days and had spoken to reporters outside the White House the day before testing positive. She did not wear a mask. She said the White House medical experts did not mention the media representatives as close contacts. McEnany had previously described wearing a mask as a “personal decision” and repeatedly noted that it should be tried on regularly.

According to information from the Reuters news agency, which refers to anonymous sources, another employee of the White House press department and a member of the communications office tested positive for the corona virus.

Eleven infections in Trump’s environment

A total of eleven people around the president have been infected with the virus, including first lady Melania Trump, presidential adviser Hope Hicks, Trump’s aide Nicholas Luna and his campaign leader Bill Stepien. Journalists have also been infected.

An event at the White House Rose Garden is believed to have contributed to the spread of the virus. There, a week ago on Saturday, conservative attorney Amy Coney Barrett was nominated for the vacancy on the Supreme Court. More than 100 people gathered in a small space, hardly anyone wearing a mask or keeping their distance.
