US presidential election: seen the debate between Trump and Biden


The last television duel before the US presidential election on November 3 was much more civilized than the chaotic first exchange of blows. However, Trump and Biden drew two completely different pictures of the country.

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, tried in the last television debate before the elections to undermine the credibility of his challenger Joe Biden. He repeatedly raised accusations that Biden’s son Hunter had done questionable business in Ukraine, and that Biden, then vice president, allegedly profited from it.

“Never in my life have I taken a penny from a foreign source,” Biden replied. The main topics of debate in Nashville, Tennessee, were fighting the crown crisis, helping businesses and consumers, health care for Americans, and racism.

New rules came into force

The debate was more civilized than the first duel in late September. Candidates allowed themselves to finish speaking and largely followed moderator Kristen Welker’s questions. They expressed their disapproval of each other with a smile or a nod.

However, after about an hour, the 74-year-old president’s patience crumbled – he didn’t allow the moderator to stop him multiple times when he wanted to return him to the current question or move on to the next topic. The different approaches to getting out of the crown crisis became clear in the debate. Trump, who had been infected and was ill, emphasized in the context of the growing number of cases that he definitely did not want any more blocks. “The medicine cannot be worse than the problem itself,” the president said. America learns to live with the virus.

This provoked a strong reaction from the 77-year-old Biden: “People learn to die from it!” On charges of not taking responsibility for the crisis, Trump responded: “I take full responsibility. It is not my fault that I got here. It is not Joe’s fault. It is China’s fault.”

Biden: Trump ein “Rassist”

Popular with blacks, Biden asserted that there is institutional racism in America. He called Trump the most racist president. “Pour oil on every racist fire.” The president reiterated his claim that no one had done more than he had done for black Americans, except President Abraham Lincoln, with the abolition of slavery. “I am the least racist person in this room,” he said, along with the Afro-American Welker.

On the subject of foreign policy, Trump emphasized once again that, contrary to the warnings of his predecessor Barack Obama, there had been no war with North Korea during his tenure. Biden replied: “We had a good relationship with Hitler before he invaded Europe.” Trump accused him of having too weak a foreign policy in his eight years as vice president.

Climate change is also discussed

Biden reacted several times with incredulous laughs, even when Trump spoke of the fact that wind turbines “kill all the birds.” The challenger emphasized: “Climate change and global warming are the next existential threat to humanity.” Thus, it will join the Paris climate agreement, from which the United States withdrew under Trump.

The first television duel between the two candidates in late September was plunged into chaos. Trump especially interrupted Biden over and over again and wouldn’t let him finish. In return, Biden described Trump as “racists,” “liars,” “Putin puppies” and “the worst president the United States has ever had.” A second debate, originally planned for early October, broke down after the president fell ill with Covid 19.
