US President Joe Biden’s son († 46) is now in the White House – Overseas Politics


There is no longer the smell of burgers and fries in the west wing.

Although staff only had five hours to get the second-floor rooms in good repair for the Biden family after Donald Trump (74) moved in, the White House called a company that specializes in “deep cleaning”, very thorough. cleanings that specialize in.

And they managed to get out of the rooms the smell of fast food, which was consumed profusely in the last days of Trump.

The most visible changes, however, are those of the Oval Office, the most important office in the world.

Joe Biden (78) has been in office since Wednesday and, like all US presidents, marks his own accent. And every change in the installation contains a message.

The most important is right behind his desk: a framed photo of his son Beau, who died of cancer in 2015, on whose shoulders Biden’s grandson, Robert Hunter, then 3 years old.

Joe Bidens Sohn Beau starb 2015 mit 46 an Krebs. Auf diesem Foto (2. von links) trägt er seinen Sohn Robert Hunter (heute 14) auf den SchulternPhoto: REUTERS

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Beau, Joe Biden’s son, died of cancer in 2015 at the age of 46. In this photo (second from left) she carries her son Robert Hunter (now 14 years old) on her shouldersPhoto: REUTERS

Biden’s daughter, Ashley (39), explained on American television what this image means to her father: “Beau was 46 years old when he died. Dad is the 46th president. That means something. Beau is there when Dad is in the Oval Office. Beau is always there. “

The day before his inauguration, the now most powerful man in the world said through tears of his beloved son: “My only regret is that I am not here. Because we should present him as president. “

It is not the only blow of Biden’s fate: he carries a photo of his first wife Neilia († 30) and their daughter Naomi († 10) in his wallet. He died in a car accident in 1972.

Does a pain make a better person? The best politician?

“Yes, absolutely,” says her daughter Ashley, “she has compassion. True compassion. You can feel the pain of others. That makes it special. “

Family photos are new and wall portraits have been swapped as well. Andrew Jackson (US President 1829–1837) is gone. Instead, there is now Benjamin Franklin, co-author of the Declaration of Independence.

The busts of Martin Luther King, civil rights activist Rosa Parks, human rights activist Eleanor Roosevelt, and a sculpture by Apache artist Allan Houser are now above the fireplace.

These are all obeisances to the diversity of America and, most of all, to the civil rights movement.

Churchill’s bust disappeared. For that now there is one of John F. Kennedy. The only Catholic president of the United States as of Wednesday. Now there are two with Biden.

How did Joe Biden first get into the Oval Office? According to his daughter Ashley, there are exactly four: gratitude, hope, joy and pride.
