US intelligence services: Iran and Russia interfere in elections


The US secret service accuses Iran and Russia of interfering in the US elections. They allegedly looted voter records and spread misinformation to create confusion.

By Katrin Brand, ARD Studio Washington

Intelligence Coordinator John Ratcliffe and FBI Director Christopher Wray addressed the Americans directly that night: “We are here before you to tell you that we have this under control and to provide you with the most powerful tool we have to combat these attempts: truth. and information, ”said Ratcliffe.

Russia and Iran, they reported, attempted to interfere in the November 3 elections. Iran was responsible for intimidating emails sent to registered Democratic voters in several states, including Florida and Pennsylvania, two of the states both candidates are determined to win.

Voter registration data used

The emails threatened voters and asked them to vote for Donald Trump. The sender was allegedly the far-right group “Proud Boys”. Apparently, the data from the electoral registers was used for the threatening emails.

In addition, Iran has published, among other things, a video claiming that it is possible to cast false ballots, even from outside the United States. Ratcliffe continued: “Although we have not yet seen such activities in Russia, we know that they have obtained voter data similar to that of 2016.”

FBI chief warns

The goal is to create confusion, provoke social unrest, and harm President Trump. They are desperate attempts by desperate opponents. Americans must be convinced that their voices count, said FBI Chief Wray. “We urge everyone to obtain information on choosing a reliable body, that is, from the respective electoral colleges of the states.”

That can be interpreted as a point against the president. Donald Trump has been claiming for months that this election is a huge fraud. But it refers above all to the manipulation of postal ballots.
