US elections: Senate votes in favor of defense package – politics


Most Americans have chosen Democrat Joe Biden as the next president of the United States. Still, the incumbent Donald Trump is trying to do everything he can to overturn Biden’s victory on the legal path. All news and updates at a glance:

Despite Trump’s veto threat: Senate approves legislative package

Friday, December 11, 2020, 8:01 pm: After the US House of Representatives, the Senate also passed the defense budget package with a majority of more than two-thirds. With such a majority, US President Donald Trump’s threat of a veto against the legislative package could be reversed. In the parliamentary chamber, 84 senators voted in favor of the bill on Friday, 13 against. Last Tuesday, more than two-thirds of the deputies in the House of Representatives had already voted in favor of the package. Among other things, it states that the partial withdrawal of US troops from Germany announced by Trump cannot initially take place.

Now he threatens a showdown with Trump. For the law to take effect, Trump must sign it. The president has announced his veto on a dispute over the regulation of online platforms and a possible renaming of military bases. That veto could then be overridden by a two-thirds majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate, that is, in both houses of Congress.

The annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is one of the few laws that the two main parties in Congress consider mandatory. Among other things, it regulates the pay of soldiers and has been adopted for 59 years in a row.

Shortly before the end of his presidency, it would be the first and probably only time for Trump that Congress overrides his veto. Trump has vetoed it eight times in his four-year term.

New supporters of Trump’s desperate demand

Friday, December 11, 3:25 am: In the dispute over the outcome of the US presidential elections, fronts are being built before the Supreme Court. On Thursday, six other states applied for permission to join a lawsuit brought by Texas that was deemed completely desperate. The goal of the lawsuit is to deprive Joe Biden of his Nov. 3 election victory. In addition to the 17 states so far, more and more Republican MPs support the lawsuit. At least 106 MPs, about a quarter from the House of Representatives, are behind the court hall.

22 US states and territories have already presented their arguments against the Texas lawsuit. Earlier, Trump also requested to join the lawsuit. According to the consensus of experts, the lawsuit has no prospect of success, if it is accepted.

Trump’s lawyers and his supporters have already lost more than 50 lawsuits against the election. Trump claims his victory was stolen from him by massive fraud in favor of Biden. Neither he nor his attorneys provided evidence, and accounts in individual states confirmed Biden’s victory. In addition to the electoral authorities, the United States Attorney General, William Barr, recently said that no irregularities or fraud had been found to the extent that they could change the outcome of the elections.

Biden wants to reverse Trump’s decrees

Friday, December 11, 1:53 am: By his own admission, Joe Biden only wants to act on his own up to a point, without Congress. But it will overturn “every single damn thing” incumbent Donald Trump has pushed for by decree, Biden said in a phone call with civil rights activists, like the news site. Interception reported.

Trump had repeatedly resorted to the instrument of the presidential decree to promote projects, for example in immigration policy. But Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, also made multiple use of the edicts because his plans were repeatedly blocked in the Republican-controlled Senate.

Biden emphasized that he would always use this instrument in accordance with the constitution. Demands of the left such as the prohibition by decree of high-powered firearms are not compatible with this.

Katherine Tai is scheduled to become a US Trade Representative.

Thursday, December 10, 12:58 am: According to several US media, trade expert Katherine Tai will become the trade representative of the Biden government. Tai, who speaks fluent Mandarin and is considered a pragmatic problem solver, faces a big task. Outgoing President Donald Trump pulled the United States out of a series of free trade agreements and waged a trade war with China that was temporarily halted but not yet really resolved.

Tai has previously served as an advisor to a key trade committee in the House of Representatives and has served in China in the office of the US Commerce Commissioner. For his new position, he must be confirmed by the Senate.

Tax investigation against Joe Biden’s son, Hunter

Wednesday, December 9, 10:25 pm: The Delaware State Attorney’s Office opened an investigation into Hunter Biden, son of President-elect Joe Biden. Hunter Biden announced on Wednesday (local time) through his father’s team that his lawyers had been briefed on the investigation the previous day by the state attorney in the US state of Delaware. He took the matter seriously, but was confident that an objective investigation would show that he was not guilty of anything.

The name Hunter Biden had become known internationally on the Ukrainian affair. Between 2014 and 2019 he held a lucrative position on the supervisory board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma. Outgoing President Donald Trump accused Joe Biden in the election campaign of stopping corruption investigations against Burisma and his son through his influence as then-Vice President of the United States. Trump did not provide any evidence to back up these accusations.

The future president had dismissed the attacks against him and his family in the election campaign as a smear campaign. Biden’s team said they were proud of their son. Hunter Biden faced serious challenges, “including malicious personal attacks in recent months.” He came out of her stronger.

Marcia Fudge will be the Secretary of Housing of the United States, Tom Vilsack Secretary of Agriculture

Wednesday, December 9, 12:27 am: According to various US media, Congresswoman Marcia Fudge will become Minister of Housing and Urban Development in Joe Biden’s cabinet. The Democrat has been a member of the House of Representatives for the US state of Ohio since 2008.

Fudge made a name for himself in the House of Representatives with his work on the Committee on Agriculture. Among other things, his name appeared earlier in connection with the search for candidates for the Ministry of Agriculture. Among other things, Jim Clyburn, a Democratic representative in the House of Representatives, campaigned for them.

Fudge was a fantastic candidate, he had told CNN television. Although he proposed her to the agriculture department, he was confident that regardless of Biden’s election to the agriculture ministry, she should get a cabinet position.

Additionally, the former Governor of the US state of Iowa, Tom Vilsack, will serve as Secretary of Agriculture in Biden’s cabinet. Vilsack already held the position in the administration of Barack Obama. Pete Buttigieg, Biden’s former presidential candidate, is under discussion as the new ambassador to China.

Trump camp loses Supreme Court election battle

Tuesday, December 8, 6:30 pm: Donald Trump’s side suffered another bitter defeat in the legal battle against the lost presidential election, this time in the United States Supreme Court. The Washington Supreme Court rejected this Tuesday night (local time) a request for an injunction with which the Republican Trump and his supporters wanted to annul the victory of Democrat Joe Biden in the US state of Pennsylvania. In the short decision, the court did not comment on the reasons. There were also no votes against the nine judges. This means that Trump’s side has been unsuccessful in more than 45 court cases. Only in one case, where it was a few votes, did Trump’s side win.

Trump has been claiming since the Nov. 3 election that massive fraud stole his victory. So far, neither he nor his lawyers have been able to provide convincing evidence. Attorney General William Barr also said last week that he had no evidence of fraud to the extent that it would alter the outcome.

Pennsylvania had already certified the result of the elections on November 23. The applicants wanted the certification revoked. State attorneys had warned the Supreme Court of such a “dramatic” move. They argued: “No court has ever issued an order invalidating the governor’s confirmation of the results of a presidential election.”
