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Transatlantic coordinator expects Biden to visit Germany

The transatlantic coordinator of the German government, Peter Beyer, hopes that Joe Biden, who has been elected president of the United States, will come to Germany shortly after his oath in January. “Joe Biden made it clear that he needs strong partners, and those are the Europeans. And in Europe the strongest economy, perhaps also the main political force, is Germany, “said the CDU politician. “So he can’t help stopping here in Berlin, also for his own interest.” For decades it was common for the president of the United States to visit Germany during his first term. “Trump was an exception.”

Trump was at the G20 summit in Hamburg in July 2017, and in late 2018 a refueling stop took him to the US base in Ramstein. However, he was the first American president in more than 50 years to break the tradition of a bilateral visit to Germany during his first term. The federal government is now expecting a fresh start in German-American relations, which have plummeted to a low point in Trump’s four years.

“We want to strengthen the transatlantic relationship, but not with the text modules of the past,” says Beyer. “We have to reflect on the common set of values. Furthermore, we have to become aware of ourselves: where do we really want to go? ”. This applies to the topics of economics, climate, digital, science, but also defense. “If Europeans and North Americans unite, we can achieve much like the new West.”

Beyer also expects fierce disputes over the future course to the United States in the coming months. “That will be an issue in the federal election campaign, and not a small one. This is not about distant foreign policy, but about issues that affect people: it’s about security, it’s about digitization, it’s about economics. “
