It was only minutes after the decisive news: CNN commentator Van Jones (52) began sobbing live on television, relieved by the election result.
With tears in his eyes, he said how relieved he was that Biden had won the election. “This is something very important to us just so that we can find some peace and have a chance to start over,” the TV commentator said, among other things. The news is a satisfaction for many who have suffered. “It’s a good day for our country,” Jones said.
▶ ︎ Today, however, the next day, it turns out: Jones’s behavior is at least contradictory!
There is certainly criticism of him, especially from the left, that is, from supporters of the failed Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders (79) and Elizabeth Warren (71). They accuse Jones of hypocrisy.
The reason: Jones recently raved about Trump, whom he rejects so outwardly. He had initiated reforms of the criminal justice system in the treatment of former prisoners. They had previously been handcuffed after being arrested.
“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/van-jones-und-donald-trump-bei-einer-feier-im-weissen-haus-201573146-73832362/Bild/3. bild.jpg “/> Van Jones and Donald Trump at a White House ceremonyPhoto: NurPhoto via Getty Images
“This is a Christmas miracle” (German: “This is a Christmas miracle”), Jones said of the judicial reform that had been approved by the Trump administration. And: “President Trump became, to everyone’s surprise, the biggest and loudest defender of criminal justice … I have 99 conflicts with the Trump administration, prisons are not one.”
In German: “To everyone’s surprise, President Trump became the biggest and loudest defender of criminal justice … I have 99 conflicts with the Trump administration, prisons do not exist.”
Background: The CNN host praised the US Trump administration for initiating judicial reform that should reduce discrimination against blacks.
“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/photos/van-jones-mittig-sitzt-in-bester-laune-am-18-mai-2018-mit-jared-kushner-3- vr – ivanka-trump-2-v-201573140-73832448 / image / 2.bild.jpg “/> Van Jones (center) sits in high spirits on May 18, 2018 with Jared Kushner (third from right), Ivanka Trump (second from right) and Attorney General Jeff Sessions (right) during a summit meeting at the East room of the White House.Photo: Getty Images